The W.i.t.c.h. - World

I've read the WITCH Comics ever since they started publishing and I read it 'till the very last translated magazine. Sadly I'm terribly bad at italian, otherwise I would get the last ones from there...
The later TV series on the other hand never quite caught my interest. After reading all those comics up and down, it was too compromised and the style couldn't catch up with the original at all.

Anyways I like drawing them a lot and the drawing style. Therefore I've taken on several comissions already over Deviantart and like to get some own projects done like the royal picture series and so on.


So here's how this website works: In the Witch, Chynk and others and Crossover Gallery there'll only be the finished works! If you want to see the LineArts or Sketches from a Crossover or something, you'll have to check the LineArt or Unfinished Gallery. Only exception is the comic.




LineArts/Clean ups


Grown-up W.i.t.c.h.
While the comics only tell the story of the W.i.t.c.h. girls at the age of 13-14 years, they would stay guardians for many years to come. Here is how their Earthly life has changed during that time.
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JROCKint Prologue
A new chapter opens in the world of WITCH and the the heart is about to choose the next team of guardians.
JROCK int Prologue.pdf
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JROCK Exzerpts
All Exzerpts related to the grown-up WITCH girls from my former next generation project JROCK.
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Q&A with the grown-up WITCH-gang
Some interesting questions I've been asked about Witch and my version of their future.
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Frozen Hazard Part 1
When I was a girl, just on the edge of 16, I was chosen to achieve greatness.
I was part of a team of 4 others who, like me, had only a vague idea of how destiny would twine their future.
They called us guardians, protectors of the balance between worlds.
We called us CHYKN and this is the tale of our biggest adventure.
Frozen Hazard Part1.pdf
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Frozen Hazard Part 2
“Should I tell them?”, I asked without looking away. “No. It would only worry them.”, I heard Yan Lin say. “Let’s keep it between us for now. We can consult the oracle once this is over.” My muscles relaxed and I turned to meet her eyes. “Okay. Thanks Yan Lin.” She smiled: “Anytime. And you tell me whenever there’s something I can help you with, deal?” I laughed and took her hand: “Deal.”
Frozen Hazard Part2.pdf
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Frozen Hazard Part 3
Later I learned that something else had happened that day. Something, that would influence the outcome of our mission greatly. We only read about it in Cassidy’s diary. Had we known about it earlier, had we known the weight it carried; Yan Lin kept saying, things might have taken a different turn and many tragedies could have been prevented.
Frozen Hazard Part3.pdf
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Frozen Hazard Part 4
“What do you think you’re doing?”, I hissed at Halinor. The sight of us seemed to impress her enough to be ashamed of her unnecessary power display. “I was just… Mara said-“
“I don’t care what Mara sais! This is your doing."
Frozen Hazard Part4.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 55.7 KB



The Sidian Star
Something I originally came up for my very first WITCH-fanfiction. However I kind of lend the Sidian Star to CHAOS for a while, trying to make it their very own Elemental-legend with the Sidian Star as their heart but in the end it wasn't used there either. I just felt like sharing it somewhere anyways.
The Sidian Star.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 36.7 KB

Crossovers & other Generations

WITCH Forum graphics

Rough sketches

Kommentare: 55 (Diskussion geschlossen)
  • #1

    Cole Angelheart (Samstag, 26 Juli 2014 18:09)

    There is a few here that I haven't seen before.

    That Mia one in the LineArts sections is one I can't recall ever seeing before. Its possible that maybe I have seen it as something about it seems vaguely familiar, but I can't recall ever actually seeing it.

    Kinda a nit pic on this, but the Will in the fluffy gown for your Nymph series is one I've never seen before. Nit pick, as I've seen the actual finished version, but not that specific on the Unfinished Images section.

    I'm also pretty certain that I've never see the Cornelia nymph one either.

    The Winter one with Cole, I'm positive I've never seen that one before, Irma is rather devious in in that one. Actually wish I could save pictures here so I can have it with my other pictures.

    And there is a few more towards the end of the Unfinished Images section that I haven't seen before.

    Also, and this is more of a general point then anything else. I've look at the W.I.T.C.H and C.H.A.O.S pics you've done so far quite a few times, yet so detailed is the background of Cornelia and Hiro's that I at times tend to notice things I hadn't before. Like I've only recently noticed that on the rock in the background, there is Cornelia's symbol. I hadn't noticed that before.

  • #2

    Yangi (Samstag, 26 Juli 2014 20:19)

    Yeah I've dug out some older sketches. I do have some other veeery rough sketches of Cole and Will. Maybe I could digitilise them and send some of them to you.

  • #3

    Cole Angelheart (Samstag, 26 Juli 2014 21:30)

    I'd greatly appreciate it if you did!

    I've said numerous times before how much I love your art and really enjoy even the most earliest of stages for them. For them to have something to do with my characters, that adds a bit more of a specialness to them.

  • #4

    Cole Angelheart (Dienstag, 29 Juli 2014 18:16)

    Just recently realized that I have indeed seen the Mia one, she is in your Sketchbook area.

  • #5

    Cole Angelheart (Donnerstag, 31 Juli 2014 17:54)

    One of the last pictures on the Unfinished Images section, it's currently number 24, who is being splashed?

  • #6

    Yangi (Freitag, 01 August 2014 18:42)

    Ah you mean the trio? That's Moreena. I actually like those three a great deal but I could never do much with them. I have some Pictures of them as fairies and had a rough Story in mind but I never did much with it.

  • #7

    Cole Angelheart (Freitag, 01 August 2014 19:50)

    Well maybe you can find a way to involve the three of them in Voices of Ilya?

  • #8

    Yangi (Freitag, 01 August 2014 21:03)

    Hm... not anytime soon I'm afraid. At least not to get them the Attention I would like them to get. They would merely be mentioned or be a side character. They are rather... Special and hard to get into the Story. But I might get them into the third Arc. (yes I'm already planning on that. The second is half planned through too)

  • #9

    Cole Angelheart (Freitag, 01 August 2014 21:36)

    How many books have you planned ahead of for Voices of Ilya?

    And since we talked about it a little bit a few days ago, how many other things involved Cole [like the snow pic of Cole, Will, Irma, Cornelia and Hay Lin] have you done and not posted anywhere?

  • #10

    Yangi (Samstag, 02 August 2014 11:07)

    Hard to say, since I don't know yet how much Content I will put into one book. I'd say it's something between 3 and 5 books for the first Arc and then I planned Content for another 2 for the second arc. But that's not where that one finishes. It's about half of it. So another 1 or 2 might follow there until the third arc starts.

    Not that much, I'm afraid. I thought I had two more but they are only very, very rough sketches (almost like stick-figures, just a blunt Body pose with a bit of hair and/or wings to distinguish between the people) so I'm not sure they're that great. I can send them to you anyways or work them out a tiny bit more and you can still decide if you want to Keep them or not.

  • #11

    Cole Angelheart (Samstag, 02 August 2014 15:00)

    How about the length of each of the books, are at least the length of the books for the first arc? Initially I had gone with the assumption that each of the arcs themselves would be one book.

    If you'd like to keep and do more stuff with them then that's fine, but really even in just their current states I'd like to have them and the snow one.

  • #12

    Yangi (Samstag, 02 August 2014 15:44)

    Okay I'll let you in on my reckoning: The first book of Quailing Earth (the old version) has 40 DinA4 pages. Based on the number of pages I came to add through the editing of Chapter 1 and two, I'll suggest they will come up to around 70 pages. Plus the missing 1 or two chapters another 10 to 20 pages. That makes the Content of the original first book in the edited Version around 80-100 pages long. If you make it in DinA5 it'll be a Little bit more but let's stick to the DinA4 for now. If I add the second book into the first, that'll be another 80-100 pages. In total I had planned 5-6 books for all of the Events of the first Arc. That would very aproximately add up to something between 500-600 pages. That's why I don't really plan on Publishing the first Arc in one book. It's too much Content. 3 books would be good. That would mean two of the original planned books in one and add up to around 200 pages per book. That's a good number. So around 3 books for the first Arc and another two for the second. That's how far I can calculate right now. I can tell you more precisely after I've edited the whole old first book. Especially concerning the Format issue. If I make the whole Thing in DinA5 instead of DinA4 the original first book might end up longer than 100 pages and then I miiiight print it single but I doubt it...

    I had always said, that the ARC is the whole 6 books I had mentioned several times, just that each of the books (except for the last) focused a bit more on one of the characters/elements. So I didn't really Change that.

    Alright I'll see what I can do. I have a lot on the line this Weekend but I'll see what I can do.

  • #13

    Cole Angelheart (Sonntag, 07 September 2014 19:55)

    In the RWAMS pic, a few questions really. First, I'm kinda curious to know who commissioned the pic? Second, the tall one with the glasses, maybe its just because of the glasses, but he reminds be a bit of, Cedric, is that intentional? Third, the short one next to the tall guy, girl or guy? I honestly can't tell. I'd assume its a guy, but the position makes it a little hard to tell.

    The Wonderland pic with Taranee, I'm not very well known to the Wonderland universe, a little with the Disney movie, but its been year since I've seen it. Who is Taranee supposed to be?

  • #14

    Yangi (Sonntag, 07 September 2014 20:48)

    It's from some WITCH fan on DA. He asked me if I would make a drawing from his next Gen characters. Hm no the Thing with Cedric wasn't intentional. It's just how it turned out. I worked with a rough description of the commissioner. The one beside him is a rather small Boy with terribly wild, puffy Long hair that's why you can't really tell, haha! It was really strange working solely with a description... I mean most of the times I had some Kind of references how the characters were supposed to look . But this time I really had to work with the description and try to work that out within the Picture.

    I took some very known characters and some that arn't known or rarely known by the majority on purpose. She's the Gryphon. I think that's how you write it. A strange creature that only appears in the second book "through the looking glass". For the whole Wonderland Project I can't always say why I Chose this or that character for the Girls. I mostly went with my Feeling. Just felt right.
    Well, more Information and so on after Kadma and the Background has been finished or at least sketched. I could concept four of the five Pictures over the Weekend so that's an achievement. Never takes too Long from Concept to LineArt.

  • #15

    Cole Angelheart (Sonntag, 07 September 2014 22:42)

    I'd imagine that it would be really hard to do something from description alone. Maybe you should make mention for people to have a specific pic for reference?

    But then again, maybe this was the person's first pic of their characters? Everyone has to start somewhere on that.

  • #16

    Yangi (Montag, 08 September 2014 09:19)

    I think it really was his first picture of them, or at least I couldn't find anything in his gallery. Yeah I'll probably ask for references in the future. Usually most people already have some and give them to you without asking but this time I didn't really think about it. It was a lot of fun though, trying that out. And it seemed to have worked. It's not a masterpiece but that's what small commission usually are. Still I somehow like it. I would change the male wings though next time a bit more... they look like butterflies or some kind of insects XD

  • #17

    Cole Angelheart (Montag, 08 September 2014 09:32)

    Yeah their wings do look a bit insect like. Makes me think the team name might be better fitting as Swarm.

  • #18

    Yangi (Montag, 08 September 2014 10:21)

    haha! Someone on DA said the exact same thing!

  • #19

    Cole Angelheart (Montag, 08 September 2014 18:47)

    Really!? Well that's hilarious coincidental

  • #20

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Montag, 08 September 2014 21:18)

    The Wonderland sketch of Taranee looks very cool and interesting :)

    I already commented the RWAMS commission on DA, you've done pretty good work on it. I like that you've changed the wings of the boys :)

  • #21

    Cole Angelheart (Montag, 13 Oktober 2014 21:35)

    I really like the coloring on Nerissa!

  • #22

    Yangi (Dienstag, 14 Oktober 2014 09:36)

    Thanks :D

  • #23

    Cole Angelheart (Montag, 20 Oktober 2014 19:07)

    I almost completely bypassed the Kadma and new Cassidy versions. I figured they'd be at the bottom of their section instead of placed in the middle. I didn't know you could rearrange things like that.

    I like the Kadma one and the Cassidy one too, although I'm not really sure which one I like better for Cassidy the old one or the new one. Both are pretty good.

  • #24

    Yangi (Montag, 20 Oktober 2014 19:18)

    Yeah I can rearrage so if you take a look at the "CHYNK and other Generations" Gallery, you'll notice that everything CHYNK related is at the top, then there's old JROCK stuff, then CHAOS and last RWAMS and some other pic. That's how it'll stay. If there's a new sketch/LineArt from CHYNK, It'll be at the bottom of the CHYNK part where Kadma is. if there's a new Color test for a CHYNK pic, it'll be after the Nerissa and Yan Lin Color test pic and the finished pics will always be at the very top of the whole Gallery part.

    I'm not sure where to put the CHAOS stuff though. Technically I put the Taranee and JROCK Picture to the crossover since Generation JROCK is mine that's mashed with the WITCH stuff. On the other Hand, most Generations in that Gallery have to do with WITCH so it's Kind of weird not having that in there... Crossover should probably just be stuff with actual cross over characters or Outfits etc. Like the Seekers Thing and maybe the wonderland Pictures since I'm referring to a lot of original Outfits from the books. So eitehr CHAOS gets it's own part or it'll be part of the Gallery and everything CHAOS related like the WITCH and the Boys Pictures will be posted after the Royal Cole and the three Girls....

  • #25

    Yangi (Montag, 20 Oktober 2014 19:19)

    Oh and yes, I know what you mean. Both Cassdies are not really finished. I think a mix of both will work out perfectly.

  • #26

    Cole Angelheart (Montag, 20 Oktober 2014 19:38)

    That's good to know. Normally I'd just head to the bottom of a section to see something, but now I'll have to actually pay attention and look closer, otherwise I'd miss out on a lot of great stuff.

    When I think of Crossover, I always pictured something that doesn't really belong in that universe, but they are melded together anyway. Like other known series or something like those Seekers, probably Wonderland as well since it is generally inspired from it.

    But when I think of CHAOS and JROCK, I never really thought of them as crossovers. I think I get your point for why they'd be there. But I always felt they meshed to well into WITCH's universe for them to be a crossover. Maybe experiment with it a little bit, try them as a section on their own here and then in the Gallery and see which one comes off right to you.

    So there'd be a third Cassidy then? If that's the case maybe you should continue on to five and do a Frozen Hazard Cassidy edition, lol!

  • #27

    Cole Angelheart (Freitag, 24 Oktober 2014 08:41)

    A curiosity has just come to me.

    Your comic about Taranee becoming the Oracle; is that in something of a limbo now, or are you through with it?

    I'm curious since before it was something of a prequel to JROCK since it would tell the story of how Taranee became the Oracle, but now with the changes to JROCK, I'm wondering what are the plans for the comic now?

  • #28

    Yangi (Freitag, 24 Oktober 2014 09:27)

    Good Point. At first I simply pushed it aside like the rest of the old JROCK stuff. But like the original JROCK Prologue, I decided to Keep them. And after some thinking I also decided to finish it sometime. It's not really involved with JROCK. In that first part of the Comic they don't even appear so there's no reason why I shouldn't be doing it.
    However since my priority list is a bit full it g´fell down quite a deal.

  • #29

    Cole Angelheart (Freitag, 24 Oktober 2014 09:34)

    Yeah I know it wasn't JROCK per-say, but I've always viewed it as being a little connected since Taranee was the Oracle in the old JROCK and this was the comic that lead to how she got in that position.

    Would it be safe to assume then that things will pretty much stay the same way you always planned for it to go then?

  • #30

    Yangi (Freitag, 24 Oktober 2014 10:38)

    Sure the first entire part of the Comic will stay the exact same way I once planned it. The second part hasn't been planned all that much in Detail yet anyways so I think it'll be good if I manage to finish the first half first.

  • #31

    Cole Angelheart (Freitag, 24 Oktober 2014 10:52)

    Well, so long as you haven't forgotten about it or just shove it to the side completely all is good. That was my main concern, that you'd just do away with it completely. Really glad to see that isn't the case!

    I've always been interesting in it and I've always loved that cover.

  • #32

    Cole Angelheart (Sonntag, 26 Oktober 2014 04:08)

    Curious, since you did a new Cassidy for Frozen Hazard, are you going to do a new Halinor as well or a new one for Yan Lin? Or do you feel that the two of them are fine as they are?

  • #33

    Yangi (Sonntag, 26 Oktober 2014 10:26)

    Yan Lin is perfectly fine. But I'll Change a Little on Halinor too.

  • #34

    Cole Angelheart (Montag, 27 Oktober 2014)

    It will be interesting to see what changes you do with her.

  • #35

    Cole Angelheart (Sonntag, 02 November 2014 08:10)

    So have you decided on what you'll do with C.H.A.O.S? Do they get their own section here, get mixed with W.I.T.C.H, get moved to the gallery or what?

    I've just been really curious as to what decision you would make on the matter.

  • #36

    Yangi (Donnerstag, 06 November 2014 09:35)

    I think I'll change the "CHYNK and other generations" and split that up into CHYNK, former JROCK, CHAOS and something like "Rest" or so. I think that'll make it easier for everyone to see what's been added for what and so on.

  • #37

    Cole Angelheart (Donnerstag, 06 November 2014 20:55)

    All of those mixed in together for one grouping?

  • #38

    Yangi (Freitag, 07 November 2014 09:26)

    What? No. Read the word "split". All in one, that's how it is now if you check that particular gallery. I want to give each of those named one to make things a bit more organised and easier to get through.

  • #39

    Cole Angelheart (Freitag, 07 November 2014 09:43)

    I had read the word split, but for some reason, my mind just.... I really have no idea.

    I just thought you meant you'd change the name of it to all of the things listed and just have this mixed together. I don't know why my thoughts had that scenario played out.

    I was actually rather tired when I wrote that, so I guess maybe I wasn't think very clearly.

  • #40

    Yangi (Freitag, 07 November 2014 10:14)

    Ha ha! No problem :D

  • #41

    Cole Angelheart (Montag, 15 Dezember 2014 12:23)

    Ah, so that's how the CHAOS layout is. I've been curious for a while as to how you'd do the layout.

  • #42

    Cole Angelheart (Freitag, 02 Januar 2015 02:32)

    I can see that CHAOS picture's finished version being part off the first ever CHAOS month at my site! Would just need a banner to go with it!

    Oh and, quick little thing here. But have you ever noticed on your tab lists [You know the little tabs above the webpages to let you know what site you are on and the other tabs to other sites you have opened?]

    Well yours has always had the Internet Explorer logo and that's always kinda bugged me. Small, small nitpicky type of thing I know, but the Proboards logo kinda annoys me on mine to.

    Just for the fact that I'd like the idea of every inch of my site being fit to a design I like. To help me say even more that it's my site.

    Anyway, to the point. Small issues, but if you deiced you want to change it, I do now of a site that will allow you to take a picture and alter its size to that. Planning on doing that to mine, just looking for the right picture. They can't really show great detail, so I'm not looking for something big like that, but maybe something like the Heart of Kandrakar for mine could be fitting.

  • #43

    Yangi (Montag, 05 Januar 2015 10:15)

    I don't know about that icon. I'm using firefox as a browser and here it's the icon from jimdo not the internet explorer so it's kind of fine with me.

    Generally that's a lovely idea (with the kandrakar icon).

    Haha yeah that would be nice but first I have to finish it. It's just a sketch so far so...

  • #44

    Cole Angelheart (Montag, 05 Januar 2015 16:01)

    Maybe its because of the browsers then as I have the internet explorer logo every time I come here, I guess because it is my browser.

    I had changed it to the Heart, but for some reason it never seemed to work. I guess I did something wrong, but I'm not sure what it could have been.

  • #45

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Freitag, 10 Juli 2015 12:47)

    Irma from the Cornelia's birthday pic looks so funny! :D The finished lineart of Will looks awesome too. :)

  • #46

    Yangi (Montag, 13 Juli 2015 08:44)

    Thanks! Irma'll stand right behind Taranee, that's why Tara looks so amused. She kind'a busts Irma in starting on the cakes and sweets before the party even got started.

  • #47

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Montag, 13 Juli 2015 12:40)

    Hahahah :D

  • #48

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Dienstag, 13 Oktober 2015 11:27)

    A progress with the Wonderland project - yay! ^_^

  • #49

    Yangi (Dienstag, 13 Oktober 2015 13:19)

    Yes! I'm happy about that too! Actually Cornelia's Lineart ist almost finished but currently her arms are missing so I just posted the bust here uhum! *caugh*

  • #50

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Freitag, 16 Oktober 2015 21:03)

    The WITCH Graduation sketch looks so cool! :)

  • #51

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Donnerstag, 19 Mai 2016 05:42)

    The WITCH 15th Anniverssary drawing is awesome!

  • #52

    Yangi (Donnerstag, 19 Mai 2016 13:13)

    Thanks a lot :D Sadly just another sketch. I hope I'll get to finishing one of those sometime.

  • #53

    Cole (Mittwoch, 19 Oktober 2016 12:56)

    Oh good! I'm not the only one who felt that way about Ren's outfit. It's not really a guardian form to me, it's really not and that was the first thing that popped into my head about her.

    Guardians form are unique and magical and that is one of the great appeals to them. People should want to try and encourage that and not take away from that.

    Now there is a picture of WITCH wearing what looks a bit like their guardian attire, but it's just normal clothes. However it still has that same unique and magical feel. And it was a point I liked to have with CHAOS's guardian form as well.

    To the point of even if for whatever reason the attires were worn like normal clothes or there was normal clothes that looked a bit like them, that they still have that unique and magical feel to them.

  • #54

    Yangi (Mittwoch, 19 Oktober 2016 13:07)

    Yeah I know. It was the same with Ariel's outfit if you remember.
    Though Ariel's still is a little more magical since it's not so sporty. This one is really just sports clothes.
    Usually the WITCH outfits at least have some kind of swirl somewhere. I totally miss that in those outfits. Not to mention that the amount of black kind of bugs me.
    But if Alex wants it that way of cause that's what he'll get. It's interesting to draw it nontheless and I learn a lot. Like the pose. PHEW! That was so intense! But he specifically asked for that pose to show her practice her martial arts form. To me that's not so much of a magical pose either but it was a challenge drawing it.
    In general I'm kind of okay with how it turned out considering the trouble with the pose. But it doesn't have that much of feel for me. It's somewhat dynamic but somewhat seems forced and not... in motion. I don't know. It's hard to explain.
    But he's happy with it so...

  • #55

    Cole (Mittwoch, 19 Oktober 2016 13:29)

    Yes of course. He's paying for it, so however he prefers for it to be is perfectly fine. And the art itself is wonderful.

    It's just you'd like to the commissions try a little harder to go more with the feel of the series.

    Although to be fair WITCH isn't just about magic. It has a lot of normal and everyday things. And it's one of its many appeal of how well it balances those aspects.

    But this is intended to be a guardian form and that presses more on the magical, so it would have been good to have them try to press a little more on that fact.