
Here you can find all of my contests with links to the site where the contest is taking place plus all rules, prizes and entries etc.
There's a commentary section at the bottom of each contest for voting and discussion.

Graphics for the contest

Contest Journal

Commission prices. Ask for any usage and read the rules please
Commission prices. Ask for any usage and read the rules please


Placement - Judges only!

Kommentare: 23 (Diskussion geschlossen)
  • #1

    NIkly (Freitag, 16 Oktober 2015 18:29)

    Oooh I love the judges pic! That's awesome Yangi! Thank you for doing it! Alright, I'm going to look at the entries, and tell you guys my placing and why I choose that particular entry.

  • #2

    NIkly (Freitag, 16 Oktober 2015 18:47)

    Alright, here are my thoughts on the drawings:

    1. First place: Game on! W.I.T.C.H. by Banditcat123. It's a piece that includes all the three girls, and all the girls are sporting very lively expressions. Apart from the bonus theme, which doesn't influence my judging, the background with all the enemies is very cool and deserves to be rewarded, in my opinion.
    2. Second place: Hay Lin. By AsherAv2. I like the coloring, I like the general feeling of calmness that the picture gives, and I also like the fact that there is a background and the swirl of magic in her hand.
    3. Valkyria Hay Lin by RainbowfiedMaya. It's an incredibly detailed and well done piece, and I think it deserves a placement.
    4. Elemental Witches by Airnaxela: All the three witches are in there, and I like the fact that she chose to draw them in very dynamic position while they fly.
    5. Into the game. by Linnzy. Taranee's dress is incredibly beautiful, and I think that creativity in designing an outfit should be rewarded.

    And that's it! It was really hard to choose, there was 'Irma under water' that really impressed me as a piece; Irma is drawn very beautifully, and traditional drawing, plus watercolor, is always more difficult than digital drawing, so I was really impressed by this piece.
    Also 'Taranee' by law of Murph, I think she deserves an honorable mention.

  • #3

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Freitag, 16 Oktober 2015 19:54)

    3 of our favorites matches, as the 1st and 3rd places are the same - yay! :) I'm looking forward to see Yangi's and Cole's votes. Will we actualy have honorable mentions?

  • #4

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Freitag, 16 Oktober 2015 19:56)

    I agree that it would be good if we choice some more entries which to be mentioned honorably.

  • #5

    Cole (Freitag, 16 Oktober 2015 20:32)

    1. Bloodmoon Irma by RainbowfieldMaya. I like how Irma is drawn here and the whole concept has this magical and mysterious feel to me.

    2. W.I.T.C.H.-Free as a Bird by HinataElyonToph. I've also enjoyed this one. I've always thought Hay Lin was really well drawn here.

    3. WITCH of Legends by sweetcandyteardrop. I think this one is nicely done. I mostly enjoy the nice bright colors for it that I think fit Hay Lin very well.

    4. Game on! W.i.t.c.h. by Banditcat123. I like the concept to this one. Having Irma, Taranee and Hay Lin surrounded my enemies, its a nice idea.

    5. Let if Flow by MistyQue. I think this on is pretty unique in comparison to the others and is nicely done.

  • #6

    NIkly (Sonntag, 18 Oktober 2015 12:13)

    Alright! Now we miss only Yangi's favourites to proceed with the discussion.

  • #7

    Yangi (Sonntag, 18 Oktober 2015 14:10)

    few days because it was so hard to decide!

    1. Taranee by Law-of-murph
    Really love this one. It's a very skilled traditional work that has a warm feel and portrays Taranee perfectly.

    2. Witch contest entry by Twinrowa
    I like Irma from her too but I was really imoressed by the creativity of her last entry. Jetpacks?! How awesome is that? Also Irma playing around and Hay Lin with her brace and stuff... It's both close to the characters and very dynamic and innovative at the same time.

    3. Game on! WITCH by Banditcat123
    Totally love this entry! It's a really cool idea and the concept with some enemies in the fireground makes supports this "survival" kind of feel you have in an rpg dungeon. The composition works incrediy well and the three were chosen nicely concerning the rp class they represent according to character.

    4. Valkyra Hay Lin by RainbofiedMaya
    This was a tough decision. I love her Taranee picture a lot too especially since there's a fire dragon in it but the Valkyra one seems a little more clean. Hay Lins face is exceptionally well done and the pose and outfit were also very well drawn. I like blue a lot too... Uhum!

    5. Hay Lin by AsherAv2
    This was incredibly tough! I love "Into the game" and "let it flow" a grwat deal too but decided on this one since it has an intense magical and mystical feel to it and was masterly done.

    I also liked the idea of "keep your spirit up" by crossroadblues99 a lot.
    So I don't mind giving out honorable mentions. Don't know how that really works though.

    Phew! That was exhausting!! Just lucky I'm not the only one judging... I guess I'd never be able to decide! OoO

  • #8

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Sonntag, 18 Oktober 2015 14:21)

    About the honorable mentions - I have seen contests where the judges choice a number of entries which gets prizes and the same number more entries which are mentioned honorably and have the same placement like the winners. So if the contest have 5 winners, there are places from 1 to 5 for the honorable mentions as well. :)

  • #9

    NIkly (Sonntag, 18 Oktober 2015 20:13)

    Okay, so the pictures that were mentioned by us are:
    -Taranee, by Law of Murph
    -Witch Contest Entry, by Twinrowa (jetpack drawing)
    -Gameon! Witch, by BanditCat123
    -Valkyria Hay Lin, by RainbowfiedMaya
    -Hay Lin, by AsherAv2
    -Bloodmoon Irma, by RainbowfiedMaya
    -WITCH free as a bird, of HinataElyonToph
    -WITCH of legends, by Sweetcandyteardrop
    -Let it flow, by Mistique
    -Elemental Witches, by Airnaxela
    -Into the game, by Linnzi
    -Keep your spirit up! by crossroadblue99.

    I think we can rule out the ones that none of use chose as our favourites from the 5 places.

    I have a couple of considerations to make, that are only my personal opinion and thus completely arguable :) :

    -Game on Witch by Banditcat 123, and the artist RainbowfiedMaya were chosen by all the four of us, So I think that they should have a high placement. Rainbowfied Maya was chosen both for her Hay Lin work and her Irma work, but since she is always her, it's a matter of diciding which drawing deserves a place.

    -Let it flow, by Mistique. It is a really, beautiful piece and very well colored, but both the pose of the girl and the way the hair are thrown behind are a little too inspired at the first issue of WITCH, where Will is in a very similar pose. Again, the piece is beautiful, and there's plenty of originality in the water's theme, but I personally prefer to reward drawings that are not so similar to already existing poses. Only a personal opinion, and apart from the poses I think that the flow of water is amazing.

    -Witch contest entry (the jetpack one): I approve of this one, and i agree with Yangi that the idea is very original.

  • #10

    Cole (Sonntag, 18 Oktober 2015 22:49)

    I hadn't noticed this detail about MistyQue's Let it Flow pic that NIkly pointed out. So great seeing detail on her part. I had a similar type of issue with the Hay Lin's from Deliria Maude as all of the Hay Lin's seemed like they were taking from the comics and just giving random backgrounds.

    But to get to the placement of the vote pieces. Game on! Witch by BanditCat123 should win first prize to me. Its the only one all 4 of us has. And two of those votes are first place.

    I think first place votes should go a long why to determine something's placement. And that would count for Taranee by Law of Murphy and Bloodmoon Irma by Rainbowfieldmaya.

    However the Valkyrie Hay Lin she did got a lot more attention. I'm the only one who didn't vote for it, although if a person could have more then one picture in the top 5 I would have.

    So taking all of that into account I'd say Valkyrie Hay Lin should be 2nd or 3rd place. I'd probably lean towards 2nd and give Taranee by Law of Murphy 3rd place.

    4th and 5th place are the difficult ones. Into the game by Linny, Hay Lin by AsherV2 and Let if Flow if I'm not mistaking are the only other ones that got more then one 1 vote.

    From this point I'd say take placement of votes into account. Even if the detail that NIkly mentioned isn't taking into account it got a 3rd place vote (By Ivan) and a 5th place vote (By me) which is lower then the 2nd and 5th place votes that Into the game and Hay Lin got.

    So I think that edges it out. Not sure which of those I'd put in 4th or 5th place though. Maybe this is a situation where the game theme could push Into the Game into 4th place.

  • #11

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Montag, 19 Oktober 2015 05:59)

    Cole's placement seems perfect to me:

    1. "Game on! Witch" by BanditCat123
    2. "Valkyria Hay Lin" by RainbowfiedMaya
    3. "Taranee" by Law of Murphy
    4. "Into the Game" by Linnzy
    5. '"Hay Lin" by AsherAv2

    And here's what I think about the placement of the honorable mentions. I think we should mention honorably all 7 entries left because each has been a favorite of at least one of us.

    1. "Let it Flow" by MistyQue - because it's the only entry left that got more than 1 vote
    2. "Bloodmoon Irma" by RainbowfieldMaya - Cole's 1st place
    Then we have "Witch contest entry" by Twinrowa as Yangi's 2nd place and "WITCH free as a bird" by HinataElyonToph as Cole's 2nd place. Both entries don't count for the bonus so maybe we should make "Witch contest entry" 3rd because there are all 3 girls on it and give "WITCH free as a bird" 4th place?
    5. "WITCH of Legends" by sweetcandyteardrop as Cole's 3rd place
    6. "Elemental Witches" by Airnaxela as Nickly's 4th place
    7. "Keep your spirit up!" by crossroadblue99 as my 5th place

  • #12

    Cole (Dienstag, 20 Oktober 2015 11:48)

    I don't really get the point to the honorable mentions. What would be the purpose to them? Just to say we liked this piece, but not good enough to say it won anything?

    There is no prizes to gain from an honorable mention. And I'm sure each of us can pick out at least one thing about each of these entries that we like. So isn't just thanking everything for entering the contest and the wonderful art they submitted enough?

  • #13

    Yangi (Dienstag, 20 Oktober 2015 12:27)

    1. "Game on! Witch" by BanditCat123
    2. "Valkyria Hay Lin" by RainbowfiedMaya
    3. "Taranee" by Law of Murphy
    4. "Into the Game" by Linnzy
    5. '"Hay Lin" by AsherAv2

    I'm okay with that.

    I don't think we need honorable mentions here since every participant gets a tiny price. They receive 50 points and a participation certificate. One thing we could do is each name one piece that we liked that didn't make it into the top 5. So I would e.g. name the jetpack picture, Ivan maybe "Let it flow", Cole maybe "Free as a bird" and NIkly "Elemental Witches". That way it's a little more personal and reasonable why we mention them. They didn't make it in the end but all of them had been voted for the top 5 by one of us.

    Who should get the bonus price? Game on! since it's first? I guess so, right?

  • #14

    Cole (Dienstag, 20 Oktober 2015 12:30)

    Game on! would be my option for the bonus as well. The bonus was about fitting with the game theme, right? Game on! Does fit with that, so it'd make sense to give the bonus prize for it.

    Unless you want it to serve as some kind of runner-up prize or 6th place type of thing.

  • #15

    Yangi (Dienstag, 20 Oktober 2015 12:41)

    I was thinking about making it a runner up but most pictures that were dropped had no game related theme. Except for the WITCH of legends thing maybe.

    What do you think of my suggestion for the honorable mentions? Each judge picks one picture he/she liked that didn't make it into the top 5 and maybe those honorable mentions get a short explanation why they were honorable. I can post the explanation in the thread or I'll add tehm to the certificate the artists of those pictures get.

  • #16

    Cole (Dienstag, 20 Oktober 2015 12:53)

    I think that could work.

  • #17

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Dienstag, 20 Oktober 2015 16:17)

    Yep, I like the idea about each judge mention one entry that isn't a winner.

  • #18

    NIkly (Dienstag, 20 Oktober 2015 20:52)

    I'm fine with these decisions. I also agree that honorable mentions shouldn't be done, as maybe the people who weren't chosen for the first 5 places, nor for the honorable mention, could feel bad. But I agree in choosing one entry that didn't win and mentioning it as a personal favourite.
    I choose Elemental Witches, by Airnaxela. I especially love the poses, and the way Taranee seems to keep on flying higher and higher toward the sky.

  • #19

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Mittwoch, 21 Oktober 2015 05:07)

    I choose "Let it Flow" by MistyQue. I think the drawing is really beautifully done, I like the pose, the water's flow and how the wings are shown like they're currently forming.

  • #20

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Mittwoch, 21 Oktober 2015 12:56)

    By the way, shouldn't "Valkyria Hay Lin" get a bonus prize too? The rule says that the entries in Top 3 which count for the bonus theme will get a bonus prize. The Game theme is used for both "Game on! Witch" and "Valkyria Hay Lin" so if that's our final placement and they are at 1st and 2nd places they both should get a bonus prize.

  • #21

    Yangi (Mittwoch, 21 Oktober 2015 13:22)

    Ah you're right. Okay I'll pick the jetpack picture.
    Cole, what's your pick and explanation?

    Once we have that I can announce the winners :D

  • #22

    Cole (Mittwoch, 21 Oktober 2015 17:00)

    I don't know. I thought I might have gone with Free as a bird" but that jetpack one is pretty interesting too.

  • #23

    Cole (Mittwoch, 21 Oktober 2015 17:34)

    If you prefer to go with a different one instead of the same one twice since you already pit the jetpack one, then go with Free as a bird."

Kommentare: 8 (Diskussion geschlossen)
  • #1

    Cole (Donnerstag, 23 Juli 2015 21:37)

    You've been rather busy today huh? Posting a few things here and other places and rearranging some things.

    I like both pics here, I think the chibi one is funny. I'm curious about the specifics rules that are giving them the expressions they have,

  • #2

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Samstag, 25 Juli 2015 20:10)

    OMG both pics for the contest looks totally great! The one for the rules is really funny - awesome idea! :D

  • #3

    Yangi (Montag, 27 Juli 2015)

    Thank you! :D Happy you two like them!

    If you were wondering why you didn't see your comments right away: I'm using a system here so that I first have to activate the comments that were made. Kind of a safety function but your comments are still there if you post any.

    Not sure if the actual contest rules are so interesting haha XD Maybe I'll add a silly one just for fun. But you know... people usually dislike rules or reading them.

  • #4

    Cole (Montag, 12 Oktober 2015 16:28)

    Nice Judges pic! Any chance you could send it to me by email so I can have the picture?

  • #5

    Yangi (Montag, 12 Oktober 2015 16:33)

    Of cause! I'll send it right away! Happy you like it!!

  • #6

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Dienstag, 13 Oktober 2015 11:25)

    Wow, the judges pic is so cute! I really like how you drew me :D

  • #7

    Yangi (Dienstag, 13 Oktober 2015 13:18)

    Yeah?! Happy to hear that!! I hoped I would more or less get you guys correctly. I was so excited when I found out that we all have brown hair! OoO
    Had like tons of chibi pic ideas in my head all of a sudden! >o<

  • #8

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Freitag, 16 Oktober 2015 16:26)

    Okay, here's the top 5 I came up with:

    1. "Game on! W.i.t.c.h." by Banditcat123 - An awesome entry that counts for the bonus theme. On my opinion it's great done and I like that all three girls are there in new cool outfits.
    2. "Into the Game" by Linnzy - Another really cool entry that apply to the bonus.
    3. "Let it Flow" by MistyQue - I think it's a really beautiful and artistic drawing.
    4. "Valkyria Hay Lin" by RainbowfiedMaya - One more artist who used the bonus theme for her entry. I think the drawing is gorgeous and Hay Lin looks beautiful in this outfit.
    5. "Keep your Spirit Up!" by crossroadblues99 - A really funny entry with all three witches on it. :D

    It was pretty hard though, we got a lot of nice entries! I'm happy how the contest turned out. :)