This part is still unfinished but I'll grant you a sneak peak on some material anyways. It's my latest project and I have any intention on seeing this one through.


Book 1

The first two chapters of the Books. Feel free to download and read.
If you have questions or suggestions, please contact me!

Voices of Ilya Book 1 Chapt 1
The Journey Begins

Kia and Rhinoa are actually quite normal. Except of cause they are 'talented'. Magic plays an important part in the two girls' lifes, who're waiting for that one day to come. But as it is, neither of them feels ready when it finally arrives. Travelling across the pacific, they'll meet others like them and challenge their destiny within the halls of the great council.
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 144.3 KB
Voices of Ilya Book 1 Chapt 2
The five Chosen-ones have arrived in the Great Council. Lead by the Guardian, they will encounter the Congregation of Wiseman. Past and future clash and a Play of shadows will proove that nothing's what it seems.
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 123.4 KB


Arienne's Hymn
A hymn to honor Arienne and her sacrifice, as well as the ceremonial hymn for the Council.
MP3 Audio Datei 1.8 MB
Skies of the Night - akapella
Tada! The main Theme for Voices of Ilya!
However this is the akapella version. The later version is a pop song but I just liked this so much while I was editing the files that I simply had to share it!
MP3 Audio Datei 3.4 MB
A song about the Ilya, tiny mysterious beings that can only be heard and seen by certain people. It's only the first trial, I'm currently working on a more mastered mix version.
MP3 Audio Datei 2.8 MB


Fighting for Ilya
Win as many 'fights' for your side as possible through tactical card usage.
                The party with most cards at the end of the game wins.

      Working Title:
Voices of Ilya - Black Shards
      Platform: PC
      Genre: Adventure/ Light RPG

      Summary: A new adventure awaits the Paragons.
                    Strange shadows move through the streets of a small town in northern 
                    England, ripping families apart and all who witness their presence.
                    To solve the mystery, Jess, Hyona, Rhinoa, Kia and CC have to find the twelve
                    legends and face ultimate darkness.

Work in Progress


We are JROCK  (CC Arlin)

Skies of the Night (CC Arlin)
Tell me (CC Arlin)
A Good Life (CC Arlin)
CC Arlin (CC Arlin)

My Love, My King

Children of the Moon 


Fonts and Symbols

Finished Graphics


Unfinished Graphics


Kommentare: 27 (Diskussion geschlossen)
  • #1

    Lelu (Donnerstag, 24 Juli 2014)

    Well well look at you! You really did it!
    Congratulations on the new Project. I'll keep my fingers crossed!

  • #2

    Yangi (Montag, 28 Juli 2014 14:22)

    Tehe why thank you! Nice of you to stop by :D

  • #3

    Cole Angelheart (Montag, 28 Juli 2014 14:59)

    Between the three options, I think I'd go with number 1, the bare legs for CC. Number 2 and 3 aren't bad they just really don't seem as fitting to me.

  • #4

    Yangi (Montag, 28 Juli 2014 15:34)

    Okay and would you prefer the arm gloves white like in number one or dark like number three?

  • #5

    Cole Angelheart (Montag, 28 Juli 2014 16:04)

    I say white.

    It was a harder to decide when it came to Jess, but here for CC the black doesn't look as good as the white.

  • #6

    Yangi (Montag, 28 Juli 2014 16:40)

    Alright thanks for your opinion!
    Let's see if Ivan has something to say too. I'll go back to the drawing board as Long as the Display works.

  • #7

    Gerganafen/Ivan Georgiev (Dienstag, 29 Juli 2014 14:29)

    Oh, it's really hard for me to decide. Maybe number one but with dark arm gloves. Or the dark queen.

  • #8

    Gerganafen/Ivan Georgiev (Dienstag, 29 Juli 2014 15:47)

    Or maybe you should listen to Cole Angelheart and go with number one, with white arm gloves, because the WITCH New Power arm gloves are dark, and you want to make JROCK non-WITCH. I don't know... Sorry, I just like all three versions xD

  • #9

    Yangi (Dienstag, 29 Juli 2014 17:17)

    Haha! The dark queen is my second choice after the numer one. So we all more or less agree on the bare legs Version. As for the arms, I guess White would be more original but I'll just keep the dark one an option until I made all of the five girls and then I'll decide on one. It's no big deal keeping it up for now. The legs would have been more problematic really. So thanks a lot you two! You spared me some work!

  • #10

    Cole Angelheart (Dienstag, 29 Juli 2014 17:47)

    I have to say though that I'm a bit curious as to how she'd look with bare arms to go with the bare legs. Maybe having gloves that stop at her hands instead of going all of the way up her arms.

  • #11

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Donnerstag, 31 Juli 2014 12:17)

    Wow, the first finished girl looks awesome! Looking forward to see the others. :) Good luck!

  • #12

    Cole Angelheart (Donnerstag, 31 Juli 2014 15:20)

    That new Author pic looks incredible!

    I'm surprised though that there is only four of the girls instead of all five of them, unless the fifth is supposed to be on the notebook?

  • #13

    Yangi (Donnerstag, 31 Juli 2014 15:54)

    Thanks a lot Ivan!!! I'm soooo excited!

    Uuuh thank you very much Cole! It was a spontanious idea I had yesterday. I mean I did want to make a new ID or Author Picture of myself but well...
    Four? Oh you probably mistook me (the big one in front) with Rhinoa/Rukia? Tehe that's the funny thing. In the sketch of the four in their new attire, Rhinoa's face resembles mine terribly (so I've been told). I'll Change it a bit when I get her clean up done. Just like CC did Change a bit from the sketch to the finished Version too.
    The reason why I only presented three of them in the... dream Vision... cloud whatever thing is that I only had those three to work with at the Moment. I was thinking about drawing all of them new but then it would have taken me much longer to finish this LineArt and I wanted to get my new DA account started! Really badly!!! (Did that now) And I couldn't take Rhinoa in, because her uniform isn't finished in the sketch plus her face Looks just like mine so... that would have been weird...

  • #14

    Cole Angelheart (Donnerstag, 31 Juli 2014 16:08)

    Ah, I see. Thanks for clearing that up.

  • #15

    Cole Angelheart (Donnerstag, 31 Juli 2014 17:03)

    This new DA account of yours, does it mean that you are doing away with your old one, or is it a secondary account for things just solely based on Voices of Ilya?

  • #16

    Yangi (Donnerstag, 31 Juli 2014 17:43)

    The letter. I decided that I could best observe and start out with "Voices of Ilya" if I made a second account. So far it's working out better than anticipated. But I'm so excited I reload the site every Minute to see if anything has changed...

  • #17

    Cole Angelheart (Donnerstag, 31 Juli 2014 17:53)

    I think that's a good choice. It really helps separate it from other things and helps show how much you've really put into it and how you want it to be its own thing unique with a vast amount of attention given to it.

    Lol!, Yeah I did the exact same thing with my site for quite a long a long while. I still do it now, just not as much.

  • #18

    Cole Angelheart (Samstag, 02 August 2014 17:48)

    A curiosity has recently come to me.

    I'm curious to know the setting of JROCK. I'm sure there are probably real life places and probably different worlds and such, but I mean along with that, other things as well.

    Like maybe the timing, like are some places based on older times and some futuristic times, maybe some places based solely around magical things and objects?

    And if any if this is the case, what type of things could be expected from them? And what about plant life and wild life? Anything new and different there and would any if it affect the story or its characters in any way?

  • #19

    Yangi (Sonntag, 03 August 2014 12:03)

    uuuh that's a good question! I like it :D
    Of cause I came up with a lot of new Locations and Settings but I can't tell you too much about them because
    a) I still have to work out the Details on some
    and b) it would ruin the surprise.

    But I can tell you a Little bit. A lot of 'yes's for the last questions. When I develope a new Location, world or whatever I mostly go for new plant and animal life too. Also the social System, ruling System, traditions and celebrations, architecture etc. Everything is different here and there. You're right, some places lik LA or Washington DC are taken from the real places. But that's only to get started. There will be new towns and cities later on and strange places you can't really Chart down on a map like the Headquarter of Shadow Dive (if you remember) or the Great Council. There'll be a lot more Exploration on the latter too of cause.

    As for the creatures or plants effecting the Story: There'll be something in the second chapter concerning that and maybe here and there in the later books and one rather big influence around the last two originallly planned books. So at the end of the first arc. The second and third arc then will Play a lot in very different Locations with a lot to explore and get to know and one of those will be inspired by some fairy tale kingdome. I'm really excited to know how you'll like it! There'll be a huge ceremony going on I'm pretty proud of. But that'll take a while... damn I wish I could write faster XD It's already written down in my head perfectly but I still have to get it out of there and onto paper!

  • #20

    Cole Angelheart (Sonntag, 03 August 2014 18:08)

    Are things like this also things you'll be doing art for or is that mostly just for JROCK themselves?

    I'm highly curious about the other type of worlds and the types of lifestyles the people have on them and JROCK having to adjust to these new types of specifics that I'd assume would be vastly different from Earth in many ways.

  • #21

    Yangi (Sonntag, 03 August 2014 18:37)

    I'm not sure I get the question... you mean if I'll draw any of those other Locations or their inhabitants/Fauna? If so, the answer is: Partly, yes. At least I intent to make some sketches of some places and characters, creatures and maybe even fauna.

  • #22

    Cole Angelheart (Sonntag, 03 August 2014 18:49)

    Yeah that's what I meant, sorry I didn't specify on that.

  • #23

    Cole Angelheart (Freitag, 08 August 2014 16:40)

    It has recently come to my attention that numerous pictures in your section are now missing from My Site.

    From the J.R.O.C.K section some are missing from the Character Introduction and the Gallery categories.

    C.H.Y.K.N and Others is missing one pic from C.H.Y.K.N Art and that is the "After the First Flying Lesson" pic.

    And from the W.I.T.C.H section there are pics missing from all of the categories.

    This is likely because you either deleted them from their initial point or you moved them. Placing pics on the site to be viewed causing them to use a direct link that saves it to its exact location, to move or otherwise change its initial placing in anyway affects its ability to be viewed on the site.

    I just thought you might like to be aware of this encase you weren't already.

  • #24

    Yangi (Montag, 11 August 2014 18:59)

    I didn't know that. Right now I'm very busy but I'll go through there as soon as I got some time left for it. Thanks. Next time better send me a message or comment in the guestbook since it's not so much focused on Voices of Ilya.

  • #25

    Cole Angelheart (Montag, 11 August 2014 20:38)

    Sorry about that, wasn't mean to take up space of any kind here. This was just the first place I got to.

    I've noticed now though that Works in Progress for Voices of Ilya is constantly on the edge of every page. That's something that might take a little time to get used too. At first I thought there was something wrong with my computer and it tried to load up two pages at the same time.

  • #26

    Yangi (Montag, 11 August 2014 20:58)

    Yeah that was an accident XD I didn't think it would Transfer it to every single page here. It's good to know however. I miiight think about using that for a "New" section or so. That way it's faster if I updated anything for you guys rather than having to check yourselves or see if anywhere in my blog something was added.

  • #27

    Cole Angelheart (Montag, 11 August 2014 23:53)

    That seems like something that could work well.