
Most of the things lying around here are sketches made out of boredomness or as preparation for some bigger projects, like character design, positioning sketches, clothing or object design. Most of them were never really finished but I thought I might as well give them a little spotlight here as well. After all some of the ideas turned out good just didn't work for that specific story or picture in the end.

Character Sheet

Character Sheets are a practical thing though not always easy to create. While drawing you discover new features of your character and define them in a way, you would proably never do when simply writing it down.

In this case it's the sheet of an alien girl I planned for a Comic. She's very young but holds a great responsibility.

Her planet has fallen to an unknown illness when her brother and other soldiers were sent all over the galaxy to search for an antidote. However his wife fell ill before departure and to help her brother, Chidshuaa took his place and crashed on Earth. It was fun creating her and her ship since I'd never done anything Sci-fi before.

Machine Sheet

Creating vehicles or functional Items is really awesome! There's so much to think of, invent or construct! So many possibilities. I must admit that I don't do that often, since it absorbs a lot of time so I only do that for special machines to make it easier for me to discribe in the book later.
This is just a scan. I hope you can actually see anything. Else I'll post a better one later on.

Object Sheet

Brooms, wands, arrows etc.
I like sketching or drawing objects out. Sometimes just for fun, when I'm doodling at work, sometimes because they're ment to play an important role in a story or something of that sort.
Like that wand-sheet I like adding technical or constructional informations from time to time about their material, usage or engravings, stuff like that. Special abilities or hidden sections embedded in them.

Map Sheet

When I create a complete word I like sketching out the rough planes, continents, countries so it's easier for me later to track down how to travel in this world, which countries border each other for political and social stuff and so on. Besides it's great to look at an actual map of your very own world!

Environment Sketches

I'm not too fond of drawing backgrounds. I guess I would be better if I just kept practicing but there's too few time already for the projects I have so it's really seldome I come to practicing at all.

Character Sketching, LineArt and Drawings

The less I like drawing backgrounds, the more I love characters. I love thinking about their attire, adding specialties like tattoos, scars, some details on their clothes or thinking about their hairdue. That's one fo the things I like most, when creating a new character for a story. And that's what helps me getting into it later, when writing out the lines and situations. But everyones different there.

JROCK Sketches and LineArt

Below you'll find again some commentary thingy. Feel free to comment on anything on this part of my website. If there's something specific about a picture from the Gallery or a Comic, please put your comment on the appropriate site. That makes it easier for me to stay on track and organise things.

Kommentare: 34 (Diskussion geschlossen)
  • #1

    Cole Angelheart (Dienstag, 02 Juli 2013 19:39)

    I was a bit surprised the first time I came here as it was the first time I'd ever seen the Cole dying and Will screaming Noooo.

  • #2

    Yangi-mshi (Dienstag, 02 Juli 2013 19:59)

    Yeah I figured as much haha! It was, as said in the text a concept for a dramatic WITCH scene but that one didn't wuite work out for me. So it stayed as sketch and never was looked at again. Until today!

  • #3

    Cole Angelheart (Dienstag, 02 Juli 2013 20:13)

    Well I'm glad you posted it. Not only is it great art, but obviously anything with my own characters I love to see, even it is just a sketch.

    The one of Hay Lin sitting on the roof and the one of Irma in the water, are they supposed to be some type of series? They have this same general feel to me, maybe it's just because of the moon though.

  • #4

    Yangi-mshi (Dienstag, 02 Juli 2013 20:17)

    Long before the royal series I planned what you can see here as sketches of Taranee, Irma and Hay Lin. It was supposed to represent their connection to each element in a very ambient way, smooth, cozy and a litle dreamy. I called it the nymphs series because that feel reminded me of the enchantment of those creatures.

    But somehow I never made them. My favorites of those are Taranees picture with that market of lights during night on a bridge and Hay Lins over the rooftops. Maybe because those are playces I like to be myself. If you remember the picture from will on a hill or so I posted on DA once, that was from that series as well.

  • #5

    Cole Angelheart (Dienstag, 02 Juli 2013 20:36)

    Seems like a nice series, not sure why you'd give it up. The Taranee one is nice, but I think the Hay Lin one is my favorite.

    Honestly I can't remember that Will one, I probably could if I saw it again, but not from memory alone.

  • #6

    Darkfang (Sonntag, 28 Juli 2013 13:40)

    In a lot of cases I prefer colored pics over non-colored ones, but in the case of Will's Nightmares pic, I like the sketch more as to me when you look at her and all of the markings all over her body, it seems a lot more easier to get the point of the title of the pic.

  • #7

    Yangi-mshi (Montag, 29 Juli 2013 18:55)

    Yeah I like the sketched for both of the pictures more, to be honest. Somehow the coloring didn't work out this time. The one for Will does look nice but NOT for a nightmare picture, as already stated. That's a little sad but, well, you learn from your mistakes, right?
    So back into the saddle and on we ride!

  • #8

    Darkfang (Montag, 29 Juli 2013 19:11)

    I like the colored Taranee better then the sketch, the colored version really adds to it, I really liked the blue flames for it.

    The colored Will one, being called Nightmares and then being really bright and colorful, it doesn't really fit well.

  • #9

    Yangi-mshi (Samstag, 10 August 2013 10:00)

    Yes I thought the blue flames would be good since it's Kandrakar and also I had to think of some kind of soul or spirit, when drawing them.

    I know I'm not very satisfied either. I might recolor it later on more dark. Maybe she'd be more like stone, crackeling here and there already liveless and the background color more in dark tones.

  • #10

    Darkfang (Samstag, 17 August 2013 09:07)

    I think colors like that those type of dark tones would be a great place to go with it. Right now it looks more like, Will is emerging from the Heart then anything else.

  • #11

    Cole Angelheart (Donnerstag, 29 August 2013 04:33)

    It's nice to see Cole and Will in a bit of a different and more casual setting.

  • #12

    Cole Angelheart (Montag, 16 September 2013 10:42)

    Your idea of WITCH being used like puppets actually made me recall a similar idea I had years ago.

    It was a WITCH/Naruto fusion story [Not a crossover, it was WITCH in the Naruto universe with the major Naruto characters not being there unless they were actually needed, basically the easiest way to describe it is to say WITCH existed in the Naruto universe, but they were still the focus]

    The role I had for Irma [Given to her because in the comic her mom is her step-mom, although also considered for Taranee since in the comics she was adopted] was that when she was a kid, she was friends with a man who controlled puppets, he was friendly to Irma and always played with her using his puppets. One day the man disappeared and so didn't Irma's birth mother. Years later, Irma finds the puppet man only to learn that he was working for an evil organization and always had been and that he is the reason Irma's mother disappeared years ago as he killed her. Irma and the puppet man would fight for a while until the puppet man revealed his secret woman, Irma's mother, as when he killed her, he turned her into one of his puppets.

    So distraught over what happened to her mother, Irma lost the will to fight. The puppet man used Irma's birth mother puppet to kill Irma and then he turned her into one of his puppets for him to use against Irma's friends.

    I was really, really going into a dark place for all of the characters with that story [I eventually scrapped the whole story] I was going to fix it all in the end though and bring her [and the other main characters I was going to kill off] back to life some way or another, if not outright bringing them back to life, then going back in time. It seems like a bit of a cheapened way to do it all, but I would have wanted the story to have a happy ending and I wouldn't be able to bring myself to get them all dead, killing them would have been hard enough, keeping them dead wasn't going to happen.

  • #13

    Cole Angelheart (Montag, 16 September 2013 10:45)

    The picture of the woman and the kid in character sketching, if I'm not mistaken the woman is Irma. At least that's what it looks like is written next to her.

  • #14

    Yangi-mshi (Montag, 16 September 2013 11:47)

    The idea about your puppet-master is really dark but had potential. I guess I would have gone with the time-mashine. Someone turning back the time to prevent the events. That would be better than them simply retuning from the dead. Since the person who travels back has to save them anyways and it wouldn't be sure if he/she would make it.

    About the sketch: Jep that was another idea before that College-nostalgia picture of her. But, since you can't decisively tell that it's Irma I put it to the other characters. After all I might still use it for someone else.

  • #15

    Cole Angelheart (Montag, 16 September 2013 11:55)

    There was quite a few dark ideas I had for it. I had virtually everyone dying off. Cole was meant to be a main villain throughout the fic who had a ten winged demon sealed inside of him. [I wanted to go with something different then the demons in Naruto] in an act of atonement from him and the ten winged demon, the ten winged demon was going to rewind time to before any of the events, not just those events but back to any of the events that may have had any chain-reaction that lead to any of the bad things to the characters.

    I was working on different ways to go about, including that some sacrifice had to be made for the ability to work, like Cole was going to give up his very existence for the ability to work, meaning that he wouldn't have even been born, but everyone else would have. Then I wasn't sure, maybe the ten winged demon doing something similar to save Cole, only now Cole would be able to live a normal life, instead of being used as a weapon like he had been his whole life. I don't know, rather complicated different ideas for what and how I was going to do things.

    So I'm curious then, if it was originally intended to be Irma before you decided to go with the College-nostalgia idea, who was the kid?

  • #16

    Yangi-mshi (Donnerstag, 26 September 2013 12:13)

    I remember Cole being a dark character and I must admit I liked that very much. Of cause he's great as the good guy as well. He holds great potential for both sides.

    Does sound interesting. Very sad in a way but it's a good piece of story development!

    Well at first I wanted to give her a puppy to her feet. But then I thought she might be mad about Christopher. Just as I was drawing the kid I realized he would be bigger by the time Irma would leave for College... so a simple fail... uhum. But I liked Irmas posture so I kept the sketch.

  • #17

    Cole Angelheart (Donnerstag, 26 September 2013 13:34)

    Yeah, the thing is though even as a good guy Cole is a dark character there is just certain aspects to it, like loner, seemingly not caring about anything, those type of dark character traits. Even when I blamed things for him as a villain, but the end or close to it, he was never planned to stay that way, he was always meant to be a good guy at the end.

    The problem though came in the fact that at times it was rather hard to justify things with him and at times he really did just come off as this cruel evil guy with little to no morality whatsoever and I really didn't like that. It's rather hard to take someone who just seems flat out evil and be able to justify them being turned good at the end and it not just seem random. Because of that I've kinda stepped away from doing things like that and altered a few things here and there to make him come off more as a guy who doesn't seem to care about anything, but deep down he has his previous things.

    It was okay at first when I was able to say he does the things he does for these specific reasons, like being tired of watching humanities pointless cruelty to each other as an example, but when he became more crueler then understandable, I felt I needed to change it.

    I always had quite a few sad things like that for a lot of things, which I liked, but I never wanted to end with unless I planned something that would continue it later on. As really, the fact end I love happy ending, I always have. I can't really bring myself to not have a happy ending. I can do tons of cruel and sad things to a lot of different characters throughout a story, but at the end it will all be worth it when they get their happy ending. I just can't go against it.

    If not for the fact that it was a pic based before she went to College, I would have thought it was her kid.

  • #18

    Gerganafen (Dienstag, 04 Februar 2014 14:13)

    Hey, I'm Gerganafen from DA. I'm so happy that I found this site, because it contains many really interesting stuff that I havent seen in your gallery on DA. I just saw the lineart of Halinor's winter outfit and I want to say that it's wonderful! I totally love it. Looking forward to see the outfits you've designed for the other 3 girls. Will they all have wings in the final versions? :)

  • #19

    Yangi (Dienstag, 04 Februar 2014 17:42)

    Hey! Thanks for visiting, happy to have you here! :D
    Yes they're supposed to have wings, I'm just not entirely sure how they should look like. I feel they have to look a little different but I don't know yet in what way... *think* But I'll come up with something. Something frosty maybe...

  • #20

    Gerganafen (Mittwoch, 05 Februar 2014 11:00)

    Agreed that the wings should be a little different, as the colors of their dresses won't be the usual ones for Guardian outfits. :) Frosty sounds awesome.

  • #21

    Yangi (Mittwoch, 05 Februar 2014 13:50)

    Okay I'll try it that way then: dark violet, dark blue, dark Grey/black and frosty shimmering wings. Sounds good. I'm curiouse if it works :D

  • #22

    Gergnafen (Mittwoch, 05 Februar 2014 20:51)

    Okay. Im curious too how it will turn out. :)

  • #23

    Yangi (Dienstag, 11 Februar 2014 10:45)

    Okay I tested the Colors and so far they work for me :D The wings, too though I still have to work on them a Little. I'm really getting on now. Three of five already done, just Need shading and well, the wings. Yey! Oh and I still have to figure out a Background.

  • #24

    Gerganafen (Samstag, 15 Februar 2014 20:20)

    I'm really glad that the colors works. :) Thank you very much for your hard work!

  • #25

    Gerganafen (Freitag, 07 März 2014 19:41)

    Who are the girls on the "Masquerade" drawing? Are they your OCs? :) They looks great!

  • #26

    Gerganafen (Freitag, 07 März 2014 19:51)

    I just have read that they are Cornelia, Hay Lin and Taranee. Stupid me. xD

  • #27

    Yangi (Samstag, 08 März 2014 11:34)

    Haha! No problem. Without Color they really are hard to recognise in that other style I used.
    And thanks :D I really like their Outfits. Actually designed them for a different Picture but they fit just perfect here.

  • #28

    Cole Angelheart (Mittwoch, 16 Juli 2014 15:49)

    The new symbol you have for Kia, is that the old design you had for the Sidian Star?

  • #29

    Yangi (Mittwoch, 16 Juli 2014 15:57)

    Deeeh well yeah. I only made that one draft you can check out in the current Projects section. The stupid glowy Thing XD
    I liked the Symbol a lot and thought it would fit very well with Kia. Why? Did you plan on using it after all? I designed you those other symbols but maybe there's no Fitting one. Or are you talking about an actual... object design?

  • #30

    Cole Angelheart (Mittwoch, 16 Juli 2014 16:30)

    It was just a curiosity. I saw it and that was the first thought I had in mind and I just wanted to make sure.

  • #31

    Yangi (Mittwoch, 16 Juli 2014 17:22)

    I see. Well actually the Sidian Star with his back story and so on I totally count as yours by now. You can have it all to yourself. Fits in better with your stuff anyways and I'm happy if it get's out of the rusty and dark Archive of mine to shine in new glory upon a... well I think you get it. I'm really happy that you consider using it. I only kept the symbol because I like it so much :D

  • #32

    Cole Angelheart (Mittwoch, 16 Juli 2014 17:38)

    I do like the symbols and Legend that you made, but honestly at the same time I'm still keeping options wide open for other things.

    This is something that would be one of the bigger changes for C.H.A.O.S I've ever done, I think it could be compared to the changes that you are making for JROCK, maybe not solely by itself, but there are some other changes in mind for CHAOS.

    So I'm really considering as many options as I can for something like this. Its a type of thing that I really want to be able to get to a point that I can move on completely from and never have to look back and wonder if I made the right choice.

    I'd like to be able to get all of theses just right and move on so that I can actually get back to my writing and planning fitting things for my stories.

    So the whole thing really effects quite a lot of what I'm doing and trying to do.

  • #33

    Yangi (Donnerstag, 17 Juli 2014 10:41)

    Uh sounds interesting! You have to Keep me updated what you plan on!

  • #34

    Cole Angelheart (Donnerstag, 17 Juli 2014 16:20)

    There is a lot of little and a lot of big things. I even had to make a list of things for me to work on so that I don't forget what all I'm working it.

    Its been my major focus for about the past week or so.