
Jep. This is the gallery. Not much to say actually.

I like playing around with different stlyes to draw, even though I still got my own style. Somehow it's more thrilling testing out over and over again new ways of drawing or coloring.
Well, see for yourself.

Random Pictures

Most of these have a longer story to them but it would be too much to tell them all. That's why I'll just present them in a short manner and if you're interested in one, you can post a comment or contact me.

Academy Stuff

Seriouse stuff from my school days (made my A Level among others in Arts)

Website related Graphics

Here are some graphics I created for websites.
Some for my own ones, some for other people's websites.

Bankoku... Rain?

Bankoku... Rain? was supposed to become a game. The Login Screen is already posted here. It's the story of a young student, who get's admitted to a secret high class university, positioned at an uncharted island named Bankoku Reign. It's an alternative near future with pesonal robots inspired by Clamps CHOBITS stories. Some more characters and uniform designs for the school are in "fashion".

Kommentare: 27 (Diskussion geschlossen)
  • #1

    Cole Angelheart (Dienstag, 02 Juli 2013 20:15)

    So far I'm mostly waiting for the other WITCHxCHAOS pics and the other J.R.O.C.K ones.

  • #2

    Cole Angelheart (Dienstag, 02 Juli 2013 20:41)

    And the Royal Series, forgot to mention it with the others.

  • #3

    Darkfang (Freitag, 12 Juli 2013 22:37)

    The Kaido and Hay Lin one us a bit simplified compared to the other two, but it is very sweet and cute. They just really nice together.

  • #4

    Yangi-mshi (Montag, 15 Juli 2013 10:40)

    Yes I know but somehow I didn't really think something heavy over detailes fitted so I made it more plain, every-day life like. I still like it a lot though. Thanks for the comment.

  • #5

    Cole Angelheart (Freitag, 19 Juli 2013 09:18)

    That's the thing with Kaido and Hay Lin, they don't really have any specific big thing for them that could really stand out with them like the others do [Although I'd like to give them something like that, since they seem to get a little less then the others do] but at the same time there is really just something about them that just clicks.

    More simplified then the others, but they carry better then the others could, they're just simply cute, and I've always liked them together, not sure why. maybe them being somewhat polar opposites in personality, not sure why really, I've just really always liked them together.

  • #6

    Yangi-mshi (Freitag, 19 Juli 2013 10:59)

    That's what what I really liked as well. Him being so shy and her so hyper-active and extrovert. They don't need anything more than that I really like that part of their coupling.

  • #7

    Cole Angelheart (Donnerstag, 25 Juli 2013 20:44)

    So the Taranee one could kinda be viewed as something of a prequel pic for JROCK, right?

  • #8

    yangimshi (Donnerstag, 25 Juli 2013 21:07)

    Well... I guess in some way: Sure. Tht would be the second one then. I was actually thinking about making that into the cover. Now that I think about it, that option might still be on that would be for the JROCK comic... We'll see about that.
    I'm actually working on the cover for the Taranee comic so the Prequel comic right now. Linearting it and so.

  • #9

    Cole Angelheart (Freitag, 26 Juli 2013 04:37)

    They are both nice options, but JROCK seems best off with done with them. I really wouldn't have even thought it was an option if not for the description, when I read it, it seemed like it could fit for something of a prequel.

  • #10

    Cole Angelheart (Samstag, 27 Juli 2013 22:59)

    I've been curious about this for a while, what exactly or the designs Kaido has? The shirt looks like its wind, but I can't tell what the other things are.

  • #11

    Yangi-mshi (Montag, 29 Juli 2013 18:59)

    Oh you mean the... textures of his clothing? I simply drew some asia themed things, like the wind or rather clouds on his shirt that can be in light as well as red or blue colors and which could evolve to a dragon or phoenix at the back. The wrist bands and the belt-thing are stylised in an asian pattern I've seen some time ago that came to my mind as I drew this. That's basically it.

  • #12

    Cole Angelheart (Samstag, 10 August 2013 11:27)

    I know Irma’s room is supposed to be empty because she is moving, but wow that is really empty. It’s like happy for the memories, but also rather sad and depressing at the same time. I keep hoping someone will just pop into picture to make it a little happier.

  • #13

    Yangi-mshi (Samstag, 10 August 2013 15:47)

    Haha! Jep that's one damn empty room. Only thing left is her matress and the posters so far. Though I must admit I drew the bed right to the wall so that the REAL emptiness I would have to show otherwise wouldn't overwhelm the mood.

    At first I had nothing at all on the walls but because of what you described with someone popping in to fill a bit of the picture, I decided otherwise. It really seemed more depressing! So I drew Irmas favorite posters in! Gave it a little more Irma-ness, too.

  • #14

    Cole Angelheart (Samstag, 10 August 2013 19:44)

    Even the mattress itself looks empty,.

    Yeah without something like the posters, it would have been way more sad. I thought something like a picture of her with her family or with the rest of witch might add something to it, but now I'm not sure if that would have might it happier or sadder.

    There is a picture at the edge if the box, I'm curious if that is supposed to be if something specific or just a random picture.

  • #15

    Yangi-mshi (Montag, 12 August 2013 10:05)

    I was thinking about some pictures but if she's moving, she would have already stored them away, so I left them out.

    The picture was originally supposed to be a sticker of Heatherfield but in the end it turned out as a colorful smudge... I was a little to careless there. *caugh*

  • #16

    Cole Angelheart (Dienstag, 13 August 2013 07:59)

    That's a fair point, but she could have easily saved someone like pictures for the very end.

    I actually did think that it could be Heatherfield, but I wasn't sure. A lot of times I pay attention to little things that could be easy to mix and I just have the thought they are someone more then what they are, only to be told that most of the time such things were just randomly placed and aren't of any specific and have no importance. I just have trouble viewing things that simply, I like things better when I feel every aspect to it tells a story or at the very least is a reference to something.

  • #17

    Cole Angelheart (Donnerstag, 29 August 2013 04:31)

    I've always liked any time all of Witch is together. The outfits are the same ones for your comic aren't they?

  • #18

    Yangi-mshi (Donnerstag, 29 August 2013 12:33)

    Yes it's the same outfit. I planned this together with one for the JROCK group but that's gonna wait a little longer. I really want to get that Royal picture of Hay Lin done soon.

  • #19

    Cole Angelheart (Freitag, 08 November 2013 18:55)

    Hard to see which one would look better. Snow looks nice for Royal Hay Lin, but stars might look a little better, but snow looks good to so it's really hard to say.

  • #20

    Cole Angelheart (Samstag, 09 November 2013 12:23)

    I noticed I misread the Royal Hay Lin a little [Hard to see what you have written there when I'm just using my cell-phone] but still, the general intent is still the same. It looks nice now, but snow could also look could with it as well.

  • #21

    Cole Angelheart (Freitag, 07 Februar 2014 18:08)

    I still think I may like Jess's a little bit more, but I also like Rukia's quite a bit as well.

  • #22

    Cole Angelheart (Freitag, 07 März 2014 11:18)

    I think its a nice color scheme for Yan Lin Hazard

  • #23

    Yangi (Freitag, 07 März 2014 12:15)

    Thanks. Wasn't that easy to find a violet that matches well with a blue AND the red hair from Cassidy!

  • #24

    Cole Angelheart (Freitag, 07 März 2014 12:57)

    Finding any specific shaded color can be difficult. There is so many and most of them don't have specific names making them even harder to find even if you have a general idea of the type of color. I've constantly gone over numerous different colors often looking for a specific color that I had come across before, but can never find again.

    Oh by the way NIkly is partly finished with one of the WITCHxCHAOS pics that I sent her. She has it generally mostly colored, just needs to add in a few finishing touches, I think the shading. She got caught up in so many other different things that it made coloring it take far, far longer then what it would normally take her.

  • #25

    Yangi (Freitag, 07 März 2014 13:19)

    Oh really?! Let me see let me see!!!
    It's been years since someone colored a LineArt of me... I'm really excited somehow... -^,^-
    You have to tell me/Show me the Minute she's done!!! *excited*

  • #26

    Cole Angelheart (Freitag, 07 März 2014 20:50)

    Of course, I always planned to. I could send what it looks like now too you , if you'd like.

  • #27

    Yangi (Samstag, 08 März 2014 11:37)

    Hihi if you like, sure! :D I would love to see some of it.