As you might have read before I tend to drawing out characters or fashion ideas for my stories and projects. But since there's so much of it and some are already detailed, while others are not, I decided to take on this category to make navigation easier.
Dress Up Game
Every once in a while I work on a Dress up game in more or less WITCH Disney style. Here you'll find some examles and samples for clothes, facial Features like different set of eyes, mounths,
noses etc. etc.
Bankoku Rain...?
The uniforms for my high class university of the game Bankoku... Rain?.
Unlike most universities, students are devided visually by first semesters and the rest. First semesters then wear blue uniforms with silver thread and later semesters wear beige uniforms with
golden thread.
Random Clothes
Below you'll find again some commentary thingy. Feel free to comment on anything on this part of my website. If there's something specific about a picture from the Gallery or a Comic, please put your comment on the appropriate site. That makes it easier for me to stay on track and organise things.
Cole Angelheart (Dienstag, 02 Juli 2013 19:34)
The Sun Goddess one really stands out to me.
Yangi-mshi (Dienstag, 02 Juli 2013 19:58)
That's my absolute favorite! I originally planned on sewing it for a masquerade ball but it never happened until today. Maybe someday I'll still get at it. I do have some of the Moon as well. I'll upload them sometime maybe.
Cole Angelheart (Dienstag, 02 Juli 2013 20:08)
I'd actually assume that the Moon has a lot of opposite differences from the Sun, but the same kind of general feel.
Yangi-mshi (Dienstag, 02 Juli 2013 20:20)
Yes the two outfits are from a world creation story I came up with in a fairy tale style. Maybe I'll post more about that. Actually I do have some sketches about a Cartoon Movie or shortmovie I wanted to do with those. The storyboards are flying around somewhere. Would be a nice addition to this I think. Thanks for pointing it out!
Cole Angelheart (Dienstag, 02 Juli 2013 20:39)
Sweet! I'd love to see that! Drawing and creating my own Cartoons is like the top of the list of talents I wish I had, that and making Video Games and Comics.
Cole Angelheart (Montag, 16 September 2013 10:32)
Your statement of not liking Elyon's character all that much actually reminded me of something I read a couple of years ago. [Oddly enough how this stuff comes to me]
I had read that Disney changed the way the creators of W.I.T.C.H actually wanted the First Arc to go, mostly in how they did Elyon. Not entirely sure on this, but I think I recall hearing that Elyon was supposed to stay evil in that arc. I do know for certain that Disney changed some things in the first arc that the creators didn't want changed and that it involved Elyon, just can't recall the specifics.
Yangi-mshi (Montag, 16 September 2013 11:43)
Really? That sounds interesting. I might have liked it better her staying evil.... well no one can tell for sure. What's done is done. But that's an interesting info I've never heard of before.
Oh and about the Cartoon storyboard I was thinking about adding someplace (probably the sketchbook): I finally scanned them so I'll upload them here sometime soon.
Cole Angelheart (Montag, 16 September 2013 11:57)
It was because of all of the changes that Disney kept making that the creators of the series left. Since it belonged to Disney though they couldn't do anything about it.
Sweet, looking forward to it!
Cole Angelheart (Montag, 20 Oktober 2014 19:03)
Hurray! Things for the dress-up game and starting to get on the move!
Yangi (Montag, 20 Oktober 2014 19:10)
Yeah I kind of stumbled across it and decided to work on it a wee bit and get some things out in images for the first time to keep you informed how things are going and how the Basic doll will look like etc..
Cole Angelheart (Montag, 20 Oktober 2014 19:30)
I like them a lot! It's the best basic doll design I've ever seen! Normally the basic dolls just look like, well, a doll, and that's it. Here they don't come off as just lifeless looking dolls. It feels like she are just taking a piece of your art and telling people feel free to alter it how you like.
That's what I like about it. It feels like people would be able to have fun with actual art, instead of just some doll. It makes it more enjoyable and really look forward to playing the game!