About me
Quiet. - Memory of life and the ones we lost.
Enrie (Enny) Adera Wilsbrook (artist name)
*4 is my lucky number!
About 'Yangi':
Some friends of mine hold the oppinion that I act like a cat so they called me Yangi from the korean word go-yangi (cat). Yangi-mshi (spoken: Yang-im-shi) then is equivalent to:
Miss Yangi (I myself would like to add: Oh mighty world creator. But that didn't catch on...)
That picture is a bit old. I'll change that soon.
Anyways, Enrie is just my artistic name. I chose it because I like it's sound and because one day it just 'happened' and I was in love with that name. Much more than my other pseudonyms. So Enrie
it is! I like the sound and feel of it a lot more than any other name and even though I really appreciate my birth name, I decided to take on another one for my artistic career within the
More about Yangi and Enrie so both sides of me coming soon...
I am, as you might have guessed (or read) a hobby artist who spends her mortal time in the dungeons of game design, whilst on weekly ends lounging in the realms of fantasmatic words and adoring creations.
Eating. I really love eating, especially cake and pancakes or noodles! Thanks to
my ancestors I have great genes which make it possible to eat as much
chocolate and sweets as I like without gaining much weight! YEY!
Music. My life basis! Without music I guess I wouldn't survive for long.
Sports. Climbing, Volleyball or Badminton are some things I like doing but right
now I'm flying around town testing all kinds of martial arts.
Arts. I draw write and create a lot in my freetime or at work and I enjoy it.
At least the drawing part you can discover here. About half of my works
though are for some kind of story, game or script I'm working on.
Favorite Holiday
Halloween! I can't watch much of a horror movie but I love hearing creepy stories or decorating the house in a dark mood, lighting everything with candles or thinking about an uncanny meal. Actually we're quite famouse for that around here! It's nothing compared to America though.