I thought about closing this site for a long time because I'm not really using it. But now I can't anymore.
I spend some time going over the pages and the blog entries and... I just can't close the site. There's so much wonder and so many thoughts and ideas of mine that I just kind of dumped and stored
here... I fear they might get lost if I close it down.
So I'll spend some time to go over all the stuff here. It's like a travel back in time! Back when I was so incredibly creative! Sounds like it's been forever since then. I used to draw all kinds of random stuff. Clothes that popped into my head, characters, chibis, animals, do a study once or twice... maybe write a little story or poem here and there. Now I don't do that kind of stuff so often anymore. But I want to get back to it. So maybe, even though not many people know of this place or visit, I'll keep it around just as a kind of archive of my things. And maybe I'll sit down and write some occasional thoughts down, just to put them somewhere.
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