Hello peoplez!
This website has been down for a couple of months due to some login and website management changes from jimdo. I finally managed to get it working again so here we are!
By now, 2018 is already in full swing and I've made a bunch of decisions with it.
First of all, I'm currently not taking commissions since I want to focus a bit on my own projects like my Silhouette Chronicles and Witch Sovereigns comics.
Also, I've decided to clean up my sites, that means I'm throwing accounts and websites out that I'm not using or that don't bring me any benefit anymore.
This one is kind of on that list too but still has a question mark. In the end, I usually drop all my art stuff on DA but I've been thinking about changing my submits to only posting complete and
finished stuff. Instagram also comes into play. There I get a tiny bit more feedback on things than I get here so the idea was to maybe transition the stuff I usually post here over to there
completely and close this website here down.
Again, it's not a final decision yet. But I think it's easier for me and you guys, if I focus my stuff on as few places as possible so it's easier to keep track.
Other than that, I'm starting a new website for the WITCH Sovereigns comic soon. That's actually what made me think about cleaning up the other websites. That also means that the comic is finally
getting somewhere! Wohoo!!!
So yeah, lots of news and I'll make an announcement should I really decide to close this website down. Don't cry just yet!
Kommentar schreiben
Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Montag, 19 März 2018 12:42)
The WITCH Souvereigns project is finally coming, even with its own site! Great! ^^
I like this site but if you decide it's better to use only DA and Instagram, I'd be okay with it.