New Perspectives

I haven’t been very active on my websites as of late.
That’s because there’s been a lot of change in my life lately.


My sister’s getting married, my sickness awoke after years and I fought it back to slumber, my computer broke, forcing me to draw traditionally, I finished the project I’ve been working on for the past half year and finally, my contract won’t be extended and have been put in a backwater for the remaining 5 months.


I’ve been thinking a lot about all of this.

It feels like I’m on the edge of a forest. My friends to each side along with my family and before me a beautiful landscape of sunny meadows and hills, blossoming forests, silver rivers and the wind calling my name.
It’s a new world full of chances.
There’s the lovely old watermill, reliable and up close, and the fairy tree full of wonder that I might finally be able to visit. And somewhere in the far distance up in the mountains lies a shiny white castle.



I’ve been standing here for a while, looking out, wondering what might be out there, wondering if the weather might change once I take a step; if my friends would follow if I left or if they notice this amazing world at all. I worried about shadows and twisted paths hidden in that world, trying to hinder me, leading me astray.



But today’s the day.
Today I feel like walking!



I don’t know how long my journey will take or where it will end. Maybe at the water mill or the fairy tree, or the castle. Or maybe somewhere far beyond that.
And should I get lost in another forest, darkness closing in, I hope my friends and family will be there beside me, that we can find our way together through this wondrous world of chances.



I’m happy. I’m anxious. I don’t know what’s coming.



But I’m walking, step by step, towards my future.



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Kommentare: 2
  • #1

    Cole (Dienstag, 12 April 2016 21:06)

    While I may not be able to be there physically I am still here whenever and for whatever reason you need me.

  • #2

    Yangi (Donnerstag, 14 April 2016 10:38)

    Thanks a lot! :D