Some Talking

So I've been a little absent on the art front for a while. Mostly because I was moving into a new appartment and it took longer to set up my computer and actually have time to draw; but more recently because I have some trouble with my eyes. It's kind of annoying but getting better slowly.

On the weekend I could finally get some more commissions done. They are smaller things that don't take that long.
Here you see a sketch from my Mulan. I drew her in flat colors but I think the final version does look nice never the less.

I also made a lineart of Princess Mononoke though I'm not entirely happy with her hair. Anyways!
That means I have... one flat color portrait left, one full body flat color and one full body lineart for some contests I was giving out commissions on and of cause the Frozen Hazard picture. I decided not to take part in any contests even though I'd love to but I really want to get these pictures done. My digital tablet may look a little shabby by now but it's still functional so who cares!

And I need to make some pictures for my own contest of cause which is why I'm hoping to get at least the smaller commissions done quickly. Maybe I'll sit down and try finishing the Frozen Hazard pic first though. Guess I'm just too much of an perfectionist there.

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Kommentare: 1
  • #1

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Montag, 05 Oktober 2015 10:43)

    The two new drawings are awesome! Sorry to hear you had problems with your eyes, I'm glad that they're getting better. Good luck with everything! :)