Contest news (UPDATED!)

Press "Start" to continue!

Just kidding. I've been working on some stuff for the contest and generally on this site. So from now on you'll be able to check for my latest blog entry on the "home" page already. Thought that might be convinient. Also I'll change my Commission Info layout in the nearer future. It's too loaded with information. I'll probably make it in a book design and seperate the Disney style commissions from the Comic style commissions. Not sure if it's already semi-realism. Guess not if you take my comic-ish shading into consideration... anyways!

I already created a new category here with the great name "contests" For now it's just for the Witch contest. Depending on how it goes I might change that later on. I really like the style of the title so that's kind of the font that I will use for the headlines within the journal. I tested the general layout of the Contest journal entry today on DA too and I'm pretty content with it. The moment the journal is finished (even before it will be officially posted on DA!) I'll post it here as a picture so especially Cole can follow up. Also the entries will be posted in a Gallery here AND I'll probably post all rewards that are some kind of picture here too.
There's also a comment-section at the bottom which should be mostly used for voting on the different entries and such. For detailed feedback on the contest itself please use mail or comment somewhere under my blogs. I don't want it to get too filled with comments there. If it should happen it's no big deal, I can always "erase" comments, and just safe the content of it somewhere.

Hm I think that's about it. Changed a bit on the text, made it a bit shorter and sketched out an idea for a possible visual header. So a picture of Irma, Taranee and Hay Lin that will be kind of the Headline for the contest.

On DA I checked which artists I'd like to invite to the contest. Might want to do that as well so we can make sure many great people enter!
Soooooo excited!!!

Hope you're excited as well, even though it's still a little while 'till the official announcement and even longer until the actual start. But time usually flies...


So I just had some time so I created an actual "Start" button just for Cole! Yes you can actually hit it and then see what happens! Okay it's not that special yet XD But it's good to know you can actually create buttons. I also added a share option for the first time where you can share this blog in whatever otehr website. It's really just a test so you guys don't have to do anything. 

AND! I've uploaded the linearts for the Cornelia's Birthday picture I'm working on for a contest on DA. You can find them in the WITCH gallery down with the linearts. Please state your opinions about Taranee since I'm not so sure about the hat...

Good thing is: It really seems like my creative block is slowly going away. So that's a good thing. I want to finish the lineart for this picture though to make sure every part of it is definately drawn in the same style! So if that's finished I'll get back to my commission list. Luckily most of them are already almost done or rather fast pictures so I hope I can get though them quickly. 


Kommentar schreiben

Kommentare: 11
  • #1

    Cole (Donnerstag, 25 Juni 2015 23:13)

    I tried to press start! I should read a little more before trying that, lol!

  • #2

    Yangi (Freitag, 26 Juni 2015 09:41)

    Haha XD

  • #3

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Freitag, 26 Juni 2015 10:51)

    The font for the contest looks cool!

  • #4

    Yangi (Freitag, 26 Juni 2015 14:05)

    Thanks! I'm happy you like it. I tested it on DA already and it looks kind'a nice there.

  • #5

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Mittwoch, 01 Juli 2015 09:21)

    Taranee looks cool with that hat! Thе experiments are always interesting, I love to see characters with different look than their usual one.

  • #6

    Yangi (Mittwoch, 01 Juli 2015 13:29)

    Yeah I wasn't sure about the hat. Still am not entirely. I guess I'll truly see how it works after I made the flat coloring. Thanks a lot for your opinion!

  • #7

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Mittwoch, 01 Juli 2015 13:56)

    No problem. :) By the way what about Irma? You just still haven't drawn her or she will not be included in this drawing?

  • #8

    Yangi (Mittwoch, 01 Juli 2015 16:02)

    Oh, I just haven't finished her yet. The sketch is already done and the outfit picked so to say. Should take me about one evening or so together with Will's hand so hopefully I'll get that stuff done soon so I can continue with my commissions. Currently it's intensly hot over here though so my brain feels pretty fried XD

  • #9

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Mittwoch, 01 Juli 2015 17:03)

    Haha! :D In my city is very hot too. I'm looking forward to see Irma as well as the finished drawing. :)

  • #10

    Cole (Mittwoch, 01 Juli 2015 20:24)

    Yay! I've already hit the start button a few times just for the fun of it!

    The hat looks okay on Taranee. Her face looks like she's been having a lot of fun.

  • #11

    Yangi (Donnerstag, 02 Juli 2015 09:23)

    Tihi XD Yeah the button is fun, right? Like it too! I should do that more often! Insert randome buttons with some kind of surprise behind it. That would be fun!

    Thanks for the opinion Cole! And yeah she's having a lot of fun mostly because of Irma but you'll see that latest next week monday or tuesday since I have a holiday on monday! YES!

    Thanks both of you for your opinion! I guess then I'll just leave the hat where it is unless it turns out looking absolutely rediculous after the coloring but we'll see about that.