Commissions and Points!!!

Hey there again dearest fellows!!!

The sketch up here was a test actually for the RPG related WITCH project. It looks a lot like me though XD Can't remember who it was originally supposed to be. Anyways! This is just a sketch.

This is the official announcement that in August I definately want to do that Contest you guys already know about and... dadadadaaaaa! Guess who will be judges and supporters! You're right! Ivan and Cole, my most cherished and dearest followers and supporters!

So I'm really looking forward to that. And in celebration fo that, I bought myself two new episodes of my favorite audio play. I always have to listen to some kind of blabbering while drawing. That habit somehow grew on me some years back. It's a lot more entertaining. So I will try to get quite some stuff done this weekend. Some commissions, some stuff for the contest (probably smaller things).

Alos: OMG I have so many Points on DA and I really don't know what to do with them! That means I didn't know... past tens. 'cause I just started a journal entry and posted it to some commission groups and OMG I'm actually getting a lot of responses from all kinds of nice and good people! I actually might have to calculate and plan which one of those I want to commission now! Well, I don't want to spend all of those points you know but I really collected an intense amount through all those big WITCH contests.

Then again, I may not come across that many since I can't attend on that many contest anymore due to time issues and also the competition through other artists has grown over time. There are a lot of great artists out there doing WITCH art now so it's not that natural for me anymore to win stuff on contests. But that's nice too, you know. Makes it more challenging and itneresting to participate again and actually investing more effort into the entries. I mean I always try to create something worth while for contests but you know. It's more motivating if the competition is good.

But dear me! I really have to think about whom to commission now haha! That's so cool I'm really excited!

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Kommentare: 8
  • #1

    Cole (Samstag, 20 Juni 2015 03:20)

    It looks a little bit like an older Jess to me.

    What type of commissions are you going to get with your points?

  • #2

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Sonntag, 21 Juni 2015 19:00)

    The sketch looks awesome!

  • #3

    Yangi (Montag, 22 Juni 2015 09:59)

    @Cole: You're right! It does resemble her!
    And I'm currently commissioning people to do some more stuff for Rein (the chibi on the right here on the site) and Enny (a girl I designed originally for Voices of Ilya). I'm kind of planning something for those two so I'm really excited to get some nice graphics for those.

    @Ivan: Thanks a lot! I didn't really like it when I made it. Actually I dropped it completely that's why I didn't remember it until recently. Now I don't think it's so bad after all.

    I'm really excited about the contest we're going to do! I just hope that some people will join in... Guess that depends a lot on the advertisement through groups. So let's hope we can get some bigger groups to feature the contest journal.

  • #4

    Yangi (Montag, 22 Juni 2015 16:59)

    Oh and I was wondering about one thing: Right now I'm allowing literature in general but maybe that should be more like a bonus theme? So it would be more special if you write something... ? Do you think that makes sense?

  • #5

    Cole (Dienstag, 23 Juni 2015 13:21)

    What exactly is this literature thing referring to?

  • #6

    Yangi (Dienstag, 23 Juni 2015 14:08)

    Well, currently my plan for the contest was to allow also literature as entries, not just pictures. So what I asked here was, if you think that's clever at all and if I should use that maybe not as a main theme but as a bonus theme, so that people, wo do some writing and get chose get some extra points for winning.

    But I'm starting to think that it's better to keep the writing part out of this contest entirely. Instead I guess it would be better to make a seperate contest about writing only. Where for example I give them a certain picture or 2-3 different pictures and then people can write a story about that.
    Would be pretty interesting. I'd definately like it :D

    Tada! Next contest idea.
    But let's stick to the WITCH contest in August for now. I think that's going to be enough. I just checked today what kind of artists I definately want to invite to join.
    Though I also heard that WItch-Master or however he calls himself is going to hold contests until next January and he's always pretty BIG in holding contests and asking people to join and doing advertisement and that kind of stuff so I'm not sure if my contest is going to reach any people that will be willing to participate in both or only my contest. But I guess we'll see about that.

    I might make a rule that the contest only takes place if at least 6 people enter. I think that's convinient. 6 people is already a nice number and that way there'd be 3 winners and 3 other participants. So that's the minimum for the contest.

  • #7

    Cole (Dienstag, 23 Juni 2015 14:20)

    Literature would be a little okay mostly as a means to involve people who can't draw. I think they'd be a little at a disadvantage though as I personally would pic a picture of literature. The picture would have to be really bad or the literature really good for me to choose it.

    Going with a contest just for literature though could be a pretty good idea.

    Geez that is a lot of contests to hold. Perhaps though people might be getting a little bored or tired of doing contests for just him and would want to try other people outside of him.

    I think that could work. How would you go about it though? Would you make a journal saying as such and then make another one when at least 6 people have joined to allow them to know that the contest has officially begun?

    Maybe you could make a journal now and mention how you are thinking about doing a contest in August and see how many people might be interested in it.

  • #8

    Yangi (Dienstag, 23 Juni 2015 15:08)

    Yeah I think it's the best to safe it for a seperate contest for exactly that reason. I mean how to compare a picture with a piece of literature? It's not really possible. So I'll just go with the picture contest for now and then make a story contest later.

    Yep certainly is! I was pretty surprised about it too. Usually he does like one contest every now and then not three in a row! OoO
    I'm just worried that people might not want to participate in contests at all because he's always throwing one after the other. But we'll see. I just have to try my luck.

    I was thinking about announying the contest beforehand, asking some groups already for their support and maybe ask some artists here and there if they'd want to enter. If I do that announcement too soon though, people might either forget about the contest when it finally starts or might not have time after all. So I might start with the announcement sometime end of July I think. Then it's about half a month until the contest actually starts. Enough to collect some people on the way and for those who already showed interest from the start to NOT forget about the contest but more looking forward to it starting.