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So I’ve been running through my folders again and found some older and newer stuff that I haven’t uploaded yet. There are some maps I made, outfit sheets, sketches, etc. etc. You can find the list on the right, as always. The latest two commissions are in the gallery.  

Apart from that I’m back in a writing mood, finally! So I’ve continued writing the next part for Frozen Hazard, since most other commissions are done and the picture is progressing a little again. Also I’ll participate in a writing contest soon. It’s quite fun and the story is pretty much written down already, though the contest finished end of October. But well you know me. If I have an idea once, the writing is the smallest problem. Getting it into a picture is an entirely different thing, sadly. Takes more time there to visualize your ideas. Anyways, I noticed that, after I’m writing so much in English at the moment like the quests at work or the Voices of Ilya adventures and my blog entries and everything, it feels strange writing in german for once in a long while. So I guess I’ll spend some time polishing the story until I send it to the contest. For you guys that’s just an info. It’s not really taking away time from any other projects here since I’m mostly working on it before work in the morning during lunch break.

Something a little related to writing: I’ll be helping out someone with his RPG forum a while which is great! I always love to do that. Luckily this time the person is really well prepared so I’m mostly giving tips or simply communicating my opinion on things.
And I’m going to work on a pitch for an RPG game every now and then.
Ideas so far:

-        1. Palia Rim
After years in space you and a group of others are send back to earth and surprisingly find the planet striving with life. Get accustomed to the current population, their traditions, learn languages, adjust yours and their technology and decide what and who to fight for.

-        2. Beyond
Before the fog fell, the most powerful watchmen united their forces to create a barrier and protect your land from the darkness beyond. Centuries later, a watchman goes missing and the barrier is starting to crumble. The shadows seam to grow darker and for once in your life, you could find out what’s beyond that magical wall, what lies within the fog. Will you help strengthen the wall and fight the Beyond or venture into the unknown?

-        3. Water of the gods
Long before the time of men, 18 gods created our universe, and time began. They created us and chose priests, the purest and wisest amongst men, to speak in their name. But the priests were not fighters and so the Elected came to being. They were chosen ones with a legacy of the gods burning within them. They were privileged, loved, hated… After the 18th goddess’ banishment, the gods seem to vanish while the power of the priests grew. People were driven from their homes to make space for the Elected and soon the hatred flared up like a flame and rose into rebellion. Become one of the Elected, choose which of the gods you want to follow, discover a magical world with your companion and solve dark mysteries and intrigues. Choose to be part of the rebellion or fight for your privileges. In this world without gods, anyone can shape the future.

-         4. The name of Destiny
In the old days, so they say, the world was divided into three realms: The Valian Valleys, where the humans lived; the Southern Slopes, home to the magicians; and the Pedrian Heights, realm of the longlives and beings.  But the shifters, had no realm of their own. Restless they travelled from one realm to another but felt no freedom or acceptance in any of the three. Finally they arrived in the Nil, a dark and forgotten place where they met time itself. In her wisdom, time told the shifters to find the name of destiny and retreated until the day the answer was found. The tale of the shifters echoed through the world and many of the other realms joined in their venture. Can you find the answer and return time to the world?   Do you know the name of destiny?

I’ll be in Madrid from Firday to Tuesday so I may not respond during that time to any mails or comments here.

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Kommentare: 1
  • #1

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Freitag, 05 Juni 2015 10:35)

    I totally love the Cornelia Power Girl lineart and the OC looks beautiful!I'm happy to read that you have inspiration for the Frozen Hazard project. :) Good luck with the writing contest!