Commissions again

It's so cool! I just commissioned someone else for the very first time!! So cool!
I think, if the commission turns out well, I might commission her more often :D

Nyahaha! Soooo exciting!!! It's "only" a chibi commission for now but a very cute one.

Other than that I started on the paid commission for Yinyi and so far it's going well.
Hm... I don't really have anything else to talk about this time haha! Sorry...

The Frozen Hazard project is a lot of fun and I'm collecting ideas for the next picture so I can start on the commission right away, when the time has come.
I might scoop in a little picture I had meant to do since christmas but not sure yet. Depends on my mood during the weekend.

Kommentar schreiben

Kommentare: 22
  • #1

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Mittwoch, 18 Februar 2015 05:32)

    I'm glad to hear that you already have ideas for my next commission! ^_^ Hopefully next week I'll send you a note. :)

  • #2

    Yangi (Mittwoch, 18 Februar 2015 11:53)

    Hihi yes well I'm never really out of ideas but that's all it is for now. Ideas. Don't have concepts yet.
    It's a bit tricky to get a concept for a picture that tells a story with the same person being presented twice in full body. But there are different possibilites so I just have to find out which one works and looks the best. After all the uniforms should be kind of visible, too and so on and so forth.
    And today I realized a problem in my story concept concerning the narrator haha! But seconds later I had a kind of working solution so that's settled too.

  • #3

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Mittwoch, 18 Februar 2015 12:47)

    Well I just thought about pics which shows both transformations of each Guardian without they must be scenes from the story, but if you can turn it into a scene would be even better. Actually I'm planning to commission you for full body pics with both transformations for the other 4 girls too and it may be hard for you always to create a scene included the summer and the winter outfits, so it's totally okay if you just show the transformations in some of the future drawings. I see that now you have an idea to turn Cassidy's transformations pic into a scene, so I'm looking forward to see it. :)

  • #4

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Mittwoch, 18 Februar 2015 12:51)

    Ofcourse it's not time to start the commission yet. XD Probably next week.

  • #5

    Yangi (Mittwoch, 18 Februar 2015 12:53)

    Yeah I thought so but to be honest, I don't like those pictures with two uniforms and no other purpose very much. They are more of a sketch to me, a concept, a comparison of designs. Not a true picture. I mean sure, I do that kind of pictures but mostly for myself to test a design, see if it works or not.

    It's good that you mentioned it though. I already foresaw that you would want that kind of picture for the others as well. But I still think I can manage to combine it with the story somehow. If I just take that as an art challenge :D

    And should it not work out for some reason, I can still come back to a nice and fancy way of that comparison design stuff.

    Oh of cause you have to tell me if the pictures are not what you expected. I will try to make the pictures so that yuo always see most of both transformations but should you prefer a clearer comparison kind of picture, you just have to tell me.

  • #6

    Yangi (Mittwoch, 18 Februar 2015 13:04)

    For a test, I could make two concepts for the Cassidy picture:
    1. a story based concept
    2. a transformation comparison concept

    It would be just a rough sketch but that way you could decide which one you like best. The concept you choose, I would use for the other girls later on.

    Just a suggestion. If it's the unfiorms/transformations you want to see, the second concept might be the best one. If you want a picture to the story, then the first would be best.

  • #7

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Mittwoch, 18 Februar 2015 13:23)

    That sounds like the best solution. Draw please two test sketches and let's see how they will turn out.

  • #8

    Yangi (Mittwoch, 18 Februar 2015 13:44)

    Alright will do :D

  • #9

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Mittwoch, 18 Februar 2015 14:00)

    Thanks a lot my friend! :)

  • #10

    Yangi (Mittwoch, 18 Februar 2015 15:12)

    No problem :D
    I think I may have an idea to make that uniform comparison a bit more fancy. It's not an entirely new concept but that's okay. Might be the better option after all... but I'll make some concepts/sketches and see how it works out, get your opinion on it and so on.

  • #11

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Mittwoch, 18 Februar 2015 15:50)

    Yeah, I got an idea too - if there is no another specific idea about a scene, you may draw the two transformations in different poses and to have two sides of the drawing - the left side of the drawing may show the Guardian in the winter outfit with the winter background of Tarzea, and in the right side we have her in the summer outfit with the background of Aressy. Something like these examples but with two transformations and two backgrounds - With the different poses, it will not be so boring for you. :D What do you think?

  • #12

    Yangi (Mittwoch, 18 Februar 2015 15:57)

    Yeah I had something like that in mind as well. The summer outfit has wings and the winter outfit doesn't. So I was thinking the summer character always kind of "carries" or "lifts up" the other character which simply means that both would be connected by holding hands in smoe way.
    I'l do something like that then. If I have some freetime later on I can always do story related pictures for "Frozen Hazard" after all, simply for the fun of it.

    Was kind of nice though to come up with new ideas or new twists for the story depending on who you picked for the next picture. But this is fine too.

  • #13

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Mittwoch, 18 Februar 2015 16:19)

    We now collected ideas about what you can do when you have no idea how the drawing of both full body transformations to become a scene of the story. That doesn't mean that you can't use your ideas for scenes when you have ones. The ideas about the comprasions will be reserve version if you run out of ideas about a new scene. :) As long as they're in full body I think the outfits will be seen enough clearly. By the way, they will have their frozen wings in the winter outfit, right? I mean these - In the first image they have no wings.

    *Typo corrected, please delete the previous post.

  • #14

    Yangi (Mittwoch, 18 Februar 2015 16:38)

    Well I wouldn't like mixing. That means either we do story pictures for all of them OR fancy transformation pictures for all of them. Sorry, I'm a bit persistent there.

    Then how about I make some sketching for story related picture and the fancy transformation thingy and then see which one works best for the purpose of showing the outfits. (could be that the story based things just don't work well or I can't get ideas for the other girls' pictures)

    If I can't decide (because both might work) I'll show you the sketches and you can take a pick.

    About the wings: No they don't have wings in Tarzea. It's explained in the story. I thought: "The heart of Kandrakar is so clever and the people of Kandrakar are too so why would they give them wings that would freeze immediately? It's extremely windy too so even with wings they probably wouldn't be able to lift from the ground without being blown away." So I left them out. At least for Tarzea. Might be that, in another cold world where the wind and the ice is not so extreme, they would have wings.

  • #15

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Mittwoch, 18 Februar 2015 17:17)

    Well the wings could be for decoration. :D I really liked them and all transformations so far have been with wings. But if you really don't want to draw them, okay.
    Yeah, we better choose one type drawings for this series of 5 pics. It' would be nice if we continue with the scenes from the story, like the first two drawings, but that completely depends on will you have ideas about scenes for all 5 girls or not. Maybe you will need a little more time to collect ideas before we decide? For me there is no problem to go with compasion images if you haven't enough ideas about scenes. By the way, your idea about the two characters with both transformations holding their hands is cool, I like it.

  • #16

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Mittwoch, 18 Februar 2015 17:20)

    *comparison images :D

  • #17

    Yangi (Mittwoch, 18 Februar 2015 17:33)

    I already know the aproximate plot of the rest of the story so now that I know you plan on having all of them as double (one character in two dif. transformations) I can see if I get ideas for story related pictures.

    You can inform me, when you're ready to commission me and then I'll inform you how far I've come and if a decision has already been made (given that I haven't already communicated one here or via message to you) Could be tricky... I'll see if I can come up with something.

  • #18

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Mittwoch, 18 Februar 2015 17:40)

    Okay. :) Good luck!

  • #19

    Yangi (Donnerstag, 19 Februar 2015 10:45)

    So I came up with quite some ideas yesterday evening for some story based pictures. I asked myself: When or under shat circumstances could I meet or see myself?
    I came up with a lot of ideas like statue, poster, picture, video, puppte, reflection in ice, glass, water, etc., someone dressed like me like a sibling or clone or robot or whatever, and some other ideas.

    I think there are some nice ideas one could work into the story. The major problem here would be to justify through the story why the guardians would always be shown twice and why in two different outfits. I could make it work in... 2 maybe 3 pictures but in 5 in a row... that would seem very forced.

    So I think the better solution here is to do the outfit comparison thing. I'll come up with a fancy setting to symbolise both worlds and climates and then start with some concepts for the five girls.

  • #20

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Donnerstag, 19 Februar 2015 11:21)

    I knew that it will be hard pics of both transformations of same person to became parts of the story. I was thinking what we can do and came up that we better have comprasion images and scenes from the story separately from each other. What do you think, should we have parts of the story under the transformations pics or you will write a part of story only under the scenes from it and the comparisons be something like bonus to the main pics (the scenes)?

  • #21

    Yangi (Donnerstag, 19 Februar 2015 11:28)

    I don't really mind.
    If you want to have them seperately that's okay. Either I post the story without scenes then or we wait until I have some freetime and will to come up with something or until you want to commission about it again.

    However I will make the pictures pretty in some way and I could still make them relevant to the story. Not in the sense of portraying a scene from it, but more in the sense of showing a character who is in some way important to that particular story part. More like an interlude.
    We have the big main picture for the first story part and then a small one for the second. Then 5 interludes and at the end there could be one final big picture or big(er) picture to finish things up.

    Just an idea. For example: Cassidy will play a bigger part in the next story part anyways, so showing her picture, even if it's "just" a fancy outfit thingy, would still make sense plus I will add some small details to make clear it belongs to the story. I could do the same with the others.

  • #22

    Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Donnerstag, 19 Februar 2015 11:53)

    Relevant to the story comparison images sounds good. After the 5 comparisons we can finish with a group pic of them in the summer transformations. If you get an idea about another specific scene you can always tell me and we can do it betwen the transformations images.