Official things

Hullo dearest people!

Since the new year started and I finally want to work on my own project Voices of Ilya again, I decided it's time for some general structure in my whole being-an-artist- life.
So I created myself an artist pseydonym/name that you will hear and read about soon.
I also have fixed prices for my commissions from now on. You can already see them on the "home" page. After next weekend the prices and rules will be on Deviantart too since I'm planning to be finished with all my commissions 'til then.

I might change a bit in my deviantart accounts but only smaller things and over some time so that's not that interesting.

Anyways that's more or less it. After the whole commission thing and new artist-identity has been done I will go back to some other things I have on my To do list. More about that after next weekend.

Kommentar schreiben

Kommentare: 4
  • #1

    Cole Angelheart (Montag, 02 Februar 2015)

    What is the purpose of the new identity?

  • #2

    Yangi (Dienstag, 03 Februar 2015 09:21)

    Well it's to give myself a name and "face" people can actually remember. That can be very practical from the marketing perspective.
    Also I'll be using it to promote myself a bit more as an artist, answer some questions through tiny comics (some are already planned but I have to see when I'll manage to get the drawing done), maybe open up a group on DA or whatever. Plus that way people will recognise "me" (or my artist identity) no matter which of my websites they stumble over.

  • #3

    Yangi (Dienstag, 03 Februar 2015 13:41)

    I did some little tweak: If you click on the commission info on my "home" page, you are being directed to the commission rules on DA. Nice huh?

    Anyways, I'm curious how many people will actually commission me and for what, now that I changed my prices and everything.

  • #4

    Cole Angelheart (Dienstag, 03 Februar 2015 17:29)

    Oh, I see. I always just went with the thought of you being Yangi or Yummingdoe4 everywhere.

    Yeah that's an ice little trick. I didn't know you could do something like that to go to another site. I thought you'd have to actually put up the link itself to do that.