Decisions, decisions...

Hello again!

Weekend is over and I fiddled around with some symbols and fonts for the Voices of Ilya project. I want to settle that sometime soon so I can start my new website...

Anyways, you can check out the fonts in the project gallery and the symbols which I already use for the whole thing.
This here is a collection of possible symbols which I'd like to use as icon/logo for EVERYTHING having to do with Voices of Ilya. So while the other symbols belong to a specific thing like the Council or a Paragon or whatever, the symbol I choose from the ones above should represent The whole Voices of Ilya project.

Feel free to state your opinion... I think I like 1, 2 and 4 the most... but not sure yet.
I'll have to test around a bit more I guess.

I was sick over the weekend so not much more than that to present I'm afraid. I wasn't capable of doing much other than lying around, reading... watching TV... That kind of stuff. But hey there was snow! That was nice.

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