Happy new Year!
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a glittering new year's eve!!!
Sadly those past two weeks or rather three seem to me like ages. We had a tragic incident in the fammily so I was more or less torn between family in germany and in denmark and was traveling a
lot and very spontaniously and then people are sad or insecure and you want to help them out and lif the mood but you're really exhausted yourself and bla bla bla. To cut it short: It was really
Don't get me wrong there were nice moments too. Like my boyfriend and I got to spend our first Christmas together and our first New year's eve. Last year we had celebrated both seperately so that
was nice... in a way. I just wish the overall reason behind it had been nicer.
So yeah I had practically no true free time whatsoever or at least very few moments where I was motivated to create something through drawing or writing. I'm still a bit moody but it's getting
I made a quick commission for Sarah so I got one less commission to worry about.
Current priorities:
Super High priority:
Frozen Hazard! I have to stop being a perfectionist and start coloring damn it!!!
Kind of high priority:
I'd like to finish the OrubexCedric picture just so that it's finished. Also I'd really like to start on the Art style testing for Voices of Ilya so I can slowly start with the whole thing and
get to drawing. I might choose my Disney style for all kinds of comics and general pictures and the more grown up style for Covers where things should look nice and artsy.
I'd love to do something for CHAOS too so I might work on the group picture for now since I'm more in the mood for it.
Everything else:
What I have on my list: The RPG WITCH picture with Irma and Hay Lin definately and maybe some other characters. Then I still have to finish the royal picture series with Cornelias picture, plus I
have the Roses and Lilies picture I'd like to finish some time.
Then there's the Wonderland WITCHxCHYNK picture series I'd love to do and of cause Voices of Ilya stuff as far as I can manage.
So much for the plan. Really don't know when I'll be able to get to all of it. I'd love to do it now but I'm still a little shaken and it could be I have to take another weekend off to go to
denmark one more time so I can't plan very much ahead at the moment. If I don't have to work too much today and I feel like it later I might work on Frozen Hazard today. I'll just use the
coloring I used for Sarahs picture. I really love that kind and it's pretty fastly done. Don't know why I stoped using it for a while....
Kommentar schreiben
Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Montag, 05 Januar 2015 15:51)
Happy New Year again, my friend! :)
Yeah, as I told before, on my opinion the Frozen Hazard outfits are good enough the way they are now and don't need any changes, so just color them. I'm looking forward to see the final project!
From the other waiting projects, I'd love to see finished the OrubexCedric pic, the Wonderland project... With one word, everything W.I.T.C.H. and C.H.Y.K.H. related. :) Also, I'd like to see colored pic of JROCK in your non-Disney style - if you color the pic that you showed recently, would be perfect. :) Good luck with all these projects! :)
Yangi (Montag, 05 Januar 2015 16:24)
Thanks and same to you!
I know T^T!! I'm just such a perfectionist! It's terrible! I wanted it to be epic and awesome and whatnot! Naturally I can't achieve anything if I'm not continuing to work on it. I can be really stupid sometimes.
Will do don't worry. The only picture I'm thinking about scooping in is a memorial ... but I'm not sure if I have a good idea so yours is still priority one.
Cole Angelheart (Montag, 05 Januar 2015 18:26)
I'm showing my biased here. Anything CHAOS related is always at the top of my list.
That Princess series has been ongoing for a very long time, so I'd really like to finally see its ending.
Frozen Hazard has always seemed like a big project with all of the little pieces of it you have shown, so it would be nice to see its finished version. I guess your art for you is like my stories for me. Every little thing had to be perfect or it just doesn't seem right. An okay way to go at things, but it often leads to things never actually getting done.
The OrubexCedric picture is something that I'm waiting to see the end version of. That sample pic you gave is just gorgeous, so I've love to see its end version.
The RPG pic you mentioned really intrigues me. I recall you mentioning the idea to me months ago, but then I haven't heard about since. So the unknown for it makes it a rather curious thing to me.
Roses and Lilies, honestly I'm not sure what pic that is. I really can't seem to recall you giving that title to any picture. And no one picture immediately comes to mind either.
The Wonderland pic for me is at the bottom of the list. It doesn't mean I have anything again it, just that the others interest me more. There is only a little to it so there is still a lot of unknown about it to me.
And that may sound weird in comparison to the RPG pic which is a lot of unknown, but higher then this. But this is on of those times where the unknown is more then the a little unknown.
Plus I recall you've mentioned how its kinda in that Alice and Wonderland which is something I only know much off through the Disney animated version, but I've just never really been interested in that and I guess that effects my view a bit here as well.
For VOI, I've talked with you about that before not too long and how I'd like to see something new with it sometime soon, so you are already aware of my view on that.
Going with the Disney style I like that choice. Your other art style is wonderful too, but I've just always been really big on the Disney style my whole life. I've always thought it was the best style there was.
And they way you've always been able to portray is nothing short of magnificent. Its that style that just pulls you into it and you portray it so perfectly. I just keep waiting for the pictures to come to life and play like a Disney movie.
Honestly I can just keep going and going on that, but I'll go ahead and end that now. And just finish with I'm looking forward to everything that you are doing!
Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Montag, 05 Januar 2015 19:32)
On my opinion it IS awesome, really! I love all 5 outfits, and the whole idea for brand new transformtion special for CHYKN and a story with it, is unique and great! Nobody else have create a transformation only for the former Guardians. I can understand you because I'm perfectionist myself, but just try to be less critical to yourself at lest this time because this project came out really good! :)
Yangi (Dienstag, 06 Januar 2015 09:41)
Thanks a lot you guys!
I just needed a little support after these stressful holidays.
Feeling a lot better today already. I'm thinking about taking some days off soon to get some relaxation and do stuff I feel like doing like drawing and so on.
Just a small question: I was (once more) considering making an Forum RPG for Voices of Ilya after all... So basically a forum where you can create your own characters, choose to be magical, non-magical, be part of an organization or in the Council and discover the world I created for VoI. So... what do you think about it? Do you think it's worth trying or not so very interesting? It would be a written RPG so people write together stories in that world or on their own, be in different kind of places and so on. Later, after I've finished the books or the game etc. I might add more and more content and places (if it still runs by then) so other worlds might be added and creatures and so forth.
Cole Angelheart (Mittwoch, 07 Januar 2015 01:39)
I think and RPG for VOI is an interesting idea and is something you should give a try and see how it goes.
Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Mittwoch, 07 Januar 2015 09:09)
Yeah, a forum where people create their own VOI characters sounds interesting and fun! :)
Yangi (Mittwoch, 07 Januar 2015 09:38)
Okay great! Thanks for the feedback.
Maybe with a smaller dress-up game to create your own avatar. That might be nice.
Cole Angelheart (Dienstag, 13 Januar 2015 17:16)
I've just now come to notice that there is a series here that is missing. You call it WITCH and the Boys I call it WITCH and CHAOS, but either way its not on your list!
Been really hoping to see this series come to its conclusion for the past year and half.
Yangi (Dienstag, 13 Januar 2015 18:00)
Ah, true. I'll add it of cause. The list here, is on my computer more of a series of folders where I have all projects directly together so I can instantly continue working on them. I think there it's already in but somehow I forgot about it here.
Cole Angelheart (Dienstag, 13 Januar 2015 18:57)
Its really not to far off itself. Not as close as the princess series, but pretty close. Just a finished version of Cole and Will, something for Seroth and Irma and that's it.
Unless your plan would be to color them as well, then there is also that.