Just another one of my quick update blogs.
First of all I finally singled out EVERYTHING there is from Voices of Ilya just to make everything more clear. So everything there is concerning the five girls, you will find now
in the "Voices of Ilya" section. I'm currently tending to get back to Disney style but I really have no idea if I'm actually allowed to draw that way... and make money with it. Though it's just a
drawing style. Hm.. hm... could be the lazyness talking out of me... and I'm really a Disney Fan so guess that plays in too...
I uploaded new stuff!
- New Winter header for the website! (please look above)
- Christmas Logo for my RPG Forum site
- WITCH Christmas Cards (redo)
- An old and forgotten sketch from Jess and Rhinoa I felt like uploading
- Jessica wishes merry Christmas
- The Dogis have arrived at "Voices of Ilya"*
*About the Dogis, I was thinking about making them the new little mascots for "Voices of Ilya". I have been thinking about a proper story for the three funny creatures since I really like them
and in a way, I've already added them to the game of VOI so I guess it would make sense... Plus you can make rather easily plushies of them! Yey! Merchandise!
So check it out and see you soon!
Kommentar schreiben
Cole Angelheart (Dienstag, 16 Dezember 2014 19:23)
I'll be honest with you, I don't mind your other styles, but your Disney is easily my favorite. I could never really get behind the last pic you did of JROCK together. It was nice they just never looked like JROCK to me, I guess I was just too used to the original versions, but I also just loved the original versions art style more too.
I'm a little uncertain about the whole mascot thing. Merchandise wise it makes sense, but they aren't going to turn into something like We is for the comics or Blunk is for the cartoon are they? Creatures used as the mascots who constantly appear everywhere in the story sometimes even have the story focused on them even though they really don't bring anything to the story and are only there to be cute and get merchandise? That's my concern with that as that is how most mascots are which is why I generally don't care for them.
Quick thing about the WITCH Christmas Cards, there isn't a Taranee one. You have the Yan Lin one, the Joan/Hay Lin one, the two of Will [Colored and uncolored] one of Cornelia and Hay Lin and one of Irma, but no Taranee. The cards seem a little bit off since they have everyone, but her.
Yangi (Mittwoch, 17 Dezember 2014 09:35)
Yeah I know... I'll have to test around more I guess. I just wanted to get away from Disney a bit and get back to my very own drawing style but it's easier done than said. I think Disney just somehow became a part of my own style through the years...
Yeah I know. And no, they won't work like that. They will actually be useful and don't appear all the time. I seriously hated Blunk! Really, really, a lot! I found him so annoying plus the whole change they did with Caleb. The two main reasons , why I never liked the TV series.
And we... We was kind of okay but later too much focused. I mean yeah, the Dogis might appear here and there but they have actual personalities and things to do. I know of Mascots who only appeared like one or two times in a series and where still liked by people. Maybe BECAUSE they didn't overdo the "Oh, I'm so cute" thing... So don't worry, I'll take care not to make them like that.
Yeah I know. The pictures used for the cards are old Christmas pictures and the one from Taranee is terrible... That's why she's not in there.
Yangi (Mittwoch, 17 Dezember 2014 09:38)
Addition to my first comment:
I also wanted "Voices of Ilya" to be a bit more mature so I kind of felt the Disney style might not work... and I didn't want people to compare the two directly and make stupid comments...
I'm starting to get used to it but I really have to see what style I like the most and which one I'm able to draw often. If I stay with Disney, maybe I'll just make them look a bit mature, a bit more grown up or something. I already did that a bit here and there...
Cole Angelheart (Mittwoch, 17 Dezember 2014 22:30)
Yeah, Blunk was really, really annoying! The odd thing was is that there did seem like times he could have been a little useful, but really his entire creation was just for the fact of attracting s et demographic and he failed miserably at that.
So odd that I'm not sure if I want to write him out of my Cartoon Rewrite completely as I was never really fond of it, but it did seem like he could serve some level of importance to the plot, nothing major, but little things. Mostly messing certain things up and making it more difficult for the heroes.
I was never really bothered too much by Caleb until Season 2 where they tried to give him the occasional important plot role, but it was completely pointless since he was mostly written out of the Season and mostly just made cameo appearances.
I've heard the compliments a lot about him on both versions. Most people like his backstory better in the comic, but hate the face that it pretty much just plays a damsel in distress role. While the cartoon he doesn't have as good of a backstory and they oddly gave him this at times cocky person, but he comes off as a capable warrior.
So I think the best thing for him would have been a fusion of the two roles. Make him mostly like he is in the comic, but make him a more capable fighter like in the cartoon.
Well I for one was never really felt it couldn't be mature with the Disney style. Disney has such a lovely style, its my absolutely favorite hands down and its because of that love of Disney my entire life that I really got interest in art and animation.
I can't do any of it, but I've always been interested in it and I like a lot of the inner working of it and the earlier parts of it, like how I enjoy even just the sketch/lineart of a picture.
And remember, while Disney TV shows virtually never reach any content past a certain age level, movies and their comics quite often reached pretty mature levels. There was higher levels of it they didn't reach, but they did reach into the mature level.
So I've never viewed it as not being able to work. And for even in a darker tone of a setting, that Disney style is so bright and colorful that I find even the darker settings to be beautifully done.
Cole Angelheart (Mittwoch, 24 Dezember 2014 23:33)
You know now that I think about it since you have mascots for VOI I'm kinda surprised that they aren't cat-like creatures.