Feels like ages since I last visited here!
Really, really, reeeeeaally sorry for that!
I've been again very busy lately so every artsy stuff gets delayed... again!
I keep promising things like an idiot without being able to keep them, how stupid is that?!
To my defence: There's been a lot of unpredictable stuff popping in like helping out some friends with important things or family business.
Anyways, I'm really sorry!
Things I'd love to get done before Christmas:
- Frozen Hazard finished!!!
- WillxCole Picture at least LineArt finished, maybe rough coloring
- Small pic for Sarah
- Christmas/new years present for your guys*
* So! This is where you come in. I'd like to grant you a small christmas present. For one, because it's christmas soon and I'd love to gift you with something and second as compensation for
my slacking off or rather busyness lately.
I'm not sure if I'll make it until christmas because of the other things mentioned in the list BUT I have 2 weeks vacation around christmas so I should be able to get something nice done
until new years eve at least.
Rules for the present:
- Has to be a small present.
Examples: certain amount of characters in chibi version or
maximum 2 people (normal style) waist up
short story of random topic
- Must have something to do with Christmas, New Years Eve or Witner in general
Each one of you can choose one present and a theme or you know... just describe me stuff like: I'd love a picture with XY in a ZZ theme. I'd love a cute/warm/whatever short story featuring
Characters X, Y and Z in a winter/christmas/new years theme. You can be precise or unprecise... whatever you feel like. Take your time, I probably won't be able to start on it before my vacation
anyways. Except if it's a story then I can scoop it in during work time.
Sorry again and thanks for sticking around anyways!
Other news:
Since I had some freetime during work, I could continue thinking about a Voices of Ilya game. I had some nice and doable ideas that could turn out well in the
game itself. Steady process there, you might call it. At least I have the main story fixed and the generel mechanics. How I want the fights to work, if I want an inventory and how that would look
like, choice making, cutscenes, etc. etc.
Kommentar schreiben
Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Freitag, 28 November 2014 16:41)
Don't worry my friend - sometimes the things don't going exactly how we wanted, the life is unpredictable and I believe that everyone will understand. The "Voices of Ilya" stuff sounds so cool - good luck with it. :) Looking forward to see the finished "Frozen Hazard" project. :) I didn't read anything about contests - you can submit the "Frozen Hazard" pic in my contest if you have no time to draw anything else before December 23.
Cole Angelheart (Samstag, 29 November 2014 20:59)
What type of wintry theme do you think you could do with 2 characters from waist up?
Just curious as really the only thing that comes to mind for me initially would be something like the latest pics that NIkly did for me only the characters would be dressed in something Christmasy.
I do have a few ideas for things. Some would probably have to be altered from what I have to fit a Christmas theme though. But I am curious of the type of things in general you might have in mind yourself.
Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Sonntag, 30 November 2014 19:26)
I like the idea for two characters in Christmas outfits/Christmas atmosphere. :)
Yangi (Sonntag, 30 November 2014 20:33)
XD You guys are so cute!
Okay so I thought about some christmasy situation the shown characters (yes, in christmas outfits :D) could be in:
- stroking a reindeer outside
- ice skating (Cornelia bit like Frozen's Elsa and Irma bit like Forzen's Anna; That was what I had to think about XD)
- singing christmas carols either good and sweet for example in victorian winter dressing outside or by a piano inside
- telling stories by the fire with hot chocolate
- decorating the tree
- opening presents
- taking a walk or standing and admiring the falling snow
- baking cookies
Not entirely sure if I'll stick to the "waist up" rule. Most of these might be possible waist up but could be easy with full body too so I'll see about that. Anything you gusy like particularly of those ideas mentioned or any other suggestions? Could be WITCH or CHYNK or JROCK or whatever characters.
Cole Angelheart (Montag, 01 Dezember 2014 02:16)
I think -Decorating the tree and-Opening Presents would be the top choices for me out of your options there. Either one really, its like 1A and 1B to me.
-Taking a walk or standing and admiring falling snow would be next. Then -Telling stories by the fire with hot chocolate. -Stroking a reindeer outside, -Singing Christmas carols, -Baking cookies and the -Ice Skating one last. I don't know the movie Frozen very well, so I really don't know the scene.
If you wanted to use numerous characters you could make them all chibis and having them dressed in various Christmas themed costumes. It's an idea that just recently came to me.
Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Montag, 01 Dezember 2014 09:30)
Guys, your ideas are great! I'd like to see 2 CHYKN members in one of these situations. :)
Yangi (Montag, 01 Dezember 2014 17:30)
Alright! I did some thinking on the different ideas and I think so far I like the tree decorating best for WITCH maybe with a little "opening presents", depending on if I only do 2 people like planned or all five after all XD
And for CHYNK I like "sitting and telling stories" best maybe with a baby Hay Lin opening a present OR the reindeer thing.
I ruled the snow picture out for now because I had more ideas for the other themes and it's a bit close to the "Frozen Hazard" picture as of now. I might keep that for next year maybe.
So what do you say? Sounds good?
Cole Angelheart (Montag, 01 Dezember 2014 19:45)
Sounds great! And I'd say with the baby Hay Lin with CHYKN telling stories, I think that'd be cute.
Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Montag, 01 Dezember 2014 20:02)
Yeah, sounds amazing! I'm looking forward to see the result! :)
Cole Angelheart (Montag, 01 Dezember 2014 22:42)
I had been trying to think of a few ideas involving CHAOS. Currently I only have one detailed idea. A funny chibi pic of W.I.T.C.H dressed in Santa clothing riding in the sleigh full of presents and having forced CHAOS to be the reindeer.
That's the only detailed one I have so far, but I like the ideas you mentioned better.
Yangi (Dienstag, 02 Dezember 2014 14:15)
I set down for a rough concept and finally set on WITCH - Christmas tree decorating & CHYNK sitting by the fireplace with baby Hay Lin.
Someone at DA had a lovely idea for a theme: "A Christmas miracle and Orube and Cedric can meet again". Those two lovers were pulled apart dramatically so I would put that scene on a snowy bridge where they finally meet after such a long time. Love the idea! But it's priority 3 so far.
Haha! The CHAOS idea is funny XD
But I wouldn't know what the WITCH girls would be doing on the slay and I think the picture would turn out a bit packed. Besides, 10 characters is even for chibis quite a lot.
Cole Angelheart (Dienstag, 02 Dezember 2014 21:01)
The Orube and Cedric idea seems rather nice.
I figured the sleigh would be full of presents, so maybe brining the presents back to their houses or something like that.
Yeah I know 10 is a lot. And it would have been the first true time that all of CHAOS were together in the same pic and first time all of them were with WITCH, and I don't think I'd want that first time to be with them as chibis.
And I prefer the other ideas you have anyway. It was just an idea that popped into my head, so I decided to mention it.
Yangi (Mittwoch, 03 Dezember 2014 09:13)
Yeah I still owe you a picture of CHAOS in their new epic outfits... I still have the designs. Though not all of them are finished. I might sit down to get a concept the next few days. That might speed up the process a bit. Plus I'll write it on my to do list for next year so I'll be remembered about it.
Cole Angelheart (Mittwoch, 03 Dezember 2014 09:42)
It's good to hear that you didn't just do away with them completely. Recently I was taking random pictures to experiment with on sai and I came across the one for Raphael and Kaido, and it just re-reminded how I can't wait to see the others.
And also colored versions of the pairing pics. I think maybe the HiroxCornelia one is at the top of my list to see. It has such a beautiful background, it'd be great to see it all in color.
Yangi (Mittwoch, 03 Dezember 2014 09:53)
No don't worry :D I don't forget about CHAOS ever. I sometimes have some ideas for them or the Dreamers' kids but since I still hang in that tough schedule I didn't have much time to actually concept anything. I hope that will change a bit in 2015 and I'll have more time for drawing in general. This last half year was one hell of a stress but seems like it's over now. I already managed to at least concept quite some stuff so... might work out :D
There's one load of stuff waiting to be done before Christmas or at least New Year's Eve but I think I might be able to manage it.
Cole Angelheart (Mittwoch, 03 Dezember 2014 10:43)
Now you've got me curious about the ideas you have for CHAOS and the Dreamers.
Yangi (Mittwoch, 03 Dezember 2014 15:29)
Hm nothing in particular. More of an inspiration that this or that might be nice. Mostly of the CHAOS boys or the three Kids of Cole and Will since those are the ones I know the best from character.
I've just finished the concept for the CHAOS' epic uniform picture though. ... Let me be frank: It's awesome!!! OoO ... but that also means it might take a while until I've finished it with color and all. I've chosen a more complex background and the guys are dynamically interacting with each other in the picture so that means the clothes have to work with their body, aka folds and shading etc. Plus I wanted the picture to be convincing so there are random people in the background. They won't be drawn very detailed but they are there never the less so... yeah it's some amount of work but I'm really excited about it!
Of cause I'll have you be part fo any progress I'm making, meaning sketches, LineArt etc.
Are there any particular colors you would like to have in that picture? There might be some flags in the background and I would like to give their outfit some more or less resembling color pattern. I think we already had a discussion about that but it's so far back I can't remember. Right now I somehow like dark red black or dark brown and beige... but blue tones or .. green would be fine too.
Cole Angelheart (Mittwoch, 03 Dezember 2014 21:31)
Now I'm really excited to see it!!!
None that come to mind as a specific need. Black and white could be nice I think and it was one of the two colors I recall being discussed. I think red, blue, green and I think purple or indigo were the other colors that were considered.
I think I still have an e-mail somewhere were different color options were discussed. I'll see if I can find it and see what colors we had discussed.
Yangi (Freitag, 05 Dezember 2014 12:42)
Aaaah I really want to work on the pictures now!! Anything! Anything is fine!!! My fingers are itching and twitching because they want to get to work!
But nooooo I had to go to London this weekend O_O
Sure I'm excited about it a lot since I always wanted to go there a second time, since I went there some years ago. But... argh I SO want to draw!!!
Anyways. White and black could work out. Probably. I'll try at least. Now I still need a third actual color because technically speaking, white and black are no "colors". And is there anything special you'd want presented on the flag(s)? If not I'll just come up with something. Oh and are the boys supposed to have wings in that picture or not?
Cole Angelheart (Freitag, 05 Dezember 2014 18:23)
London is one of those places high on my list of places I'd like to actually go someday.
Some type of red or blue maybe I think are the first colors that come to mind. I think I'd probably lean towards red, but I think it depends on what color you actually think looks best with things.
Nothing specific comes to mind, so whatever you feel like adding works for me.
That is a bit of a difficult question. On one hand, I would really like to have some pics with them not having wings. I do have a few, but really only a few. However on the other hand, I have had the thought that they'd have their wings in their Guardian form and have the same colored wings as opposed to very different colored ones like they used to.
So honestly I'm not too sure. There is a need of more pics without them having wings, but a likelihood that they'd have wings in a guardian form. So I guess go with whatever you feel like doing in that regard.
Yangi (Dienstag, 09 Dezember 2014 10:25)
Yeah had a lot of fun there. You should really go there one day!
Red or blue then. Red might be more probable but I'll try around what works better within the picture.
Same for the wings. I'll be drawing their bodies etc first anyways so I can simply try out with sketchy wings, how they would look with wings or without. Might get a bit "crowded" if wings were attached but I'll try it out.
Should I take the hairstyles and colors from Niklys newest pictures of the CHAOS boys then?
Cole Angelheart (Dienstag, 09 Dezember 2014 10:29)
No, I say try hairstyles that you might think would look good for them. As for colors, do you mean hair and eye color? As if so, then yes.
Hair and eye colors should be the same, but hairstyles don't have to be.
Yangi (Dienstag, 09 Dezember 2014 10:50)
Yey that's cool :D
Then I'll take the colors from Nikly and see about the hair styles.
Cole Angelheart (Dienstag, 09 Dezember 2014 10:52)
Okay! Really looking forward to seeing them!