That time of year

Had a bad sleep...
Had a bad sleep...

Well, fall has officially arrived, tomorrow's the 1st of October!
And that means: IT'S CONTEST TIME!!!

Each year tons of contests are hosted around April/May and especially around October so there's lot's to look forward to. Luckily so far none of the contest themes actually interferes with my drawing plans but mostly supports them so I could enter different contests with the Wonderland pics for example. Not sure if I'll do that. I wouldn't enter two contests with the same Wonderland pic but maybe two different ones. Maybe I'll just come up with another idea in the end...

Anyways I'm kind of excited since I'm able to draw again! I'm really really happy the whole issue with the Frozen Hazard pic resolved into thin air too! (Nerissa you lovely person!) So I'll go streight for the win to get that last commission done and then it's a GO for the contest themes! Woho!

Other then that: I slept really bad, hence the picture. I'm suuuuper tired because of some mosquito that snuck into my bedroom. I tend to punch my arms around frantically whenever I hear one so sleep is not an option once I heard that terrible noise! ... Plus I met an old friend yesterday from my previous workplace from one year ago and out chatter lasted a bit longer than anticipated...


Oh yeah and I added a "NEWS" section to the left bar. It's visible on every page so there's no way you're gonna miss anything. For now it's just a trial though. I have to see how it works for me and if I remember to keep that part updated ehem...

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Kommentare: 2
  • #1

    Cole Angelheart (Dienstag, 30 September 2014 14:43)

    Talk about sleep issues. I spent the last few days running on a combined 4 hours of sleep. I finally got a few more hours of sleep last night, but I must have slept wrong or something because my back is killing me!

    I like the News section. Initially I was concerned that it might mesh together with updates like this one, but its good to see that it doesn't and its a nice way to know what exactly is the most recent things that are done, so visitors can know exactly what to look for.

    The only one I could think to make it even better would be if there was a way to actually link to the specific piece of work listed on the News. That is the only way I could think to make that section even better, but it is fine as it.

  • #2

    Yangi (Dienstag, 30 September 2014 14:55)

    Ah it's terrible to sleep constrained or how you call it! Had that last week with a part of my beck too. Totally annoying! Warmth often helps though to get rid of it. Or a nice relaxation bath.

    Yeah I'm getting a linking to it too :D It's not too much in the foreground but a mere additional information and very practical. But I'm afraid the linking isn't going to work. I'll have to see for sure, though. Maybe it's possible and I simply never used it. But I thought too, that it would be good to at least know in what category to find the new stuff.