Hi and hello again!
I've been able to finish chapter 2 of Voices of Ilya so check it out in the VoI section! I'm really curious to know what you think about the stories developement since the most
things I changed like new magic and so on is being mentioned, at least a bit here in the second chapter.
I was working on Frozen Hazard a lot too but sadly due to my stupidity of not saving on time, my computer froze (ha-ha) and I lost every work I've been doing on it. BUT! Because of that I finally
engaged Nerissa! I was worried I wouldn't be able to catch her personality right or make her look pretty at all so I kept her for the last. But since Kadma's work was more or less deleted I
didn't want to start over again right now so I sat down to do Nerissa instead and suddenly everything worked out perfecty! OoO
I was totally surprised how it turned out. It still needs wings, like most of them and the nice wave/swing pattern and the new sign but that's fastly done so I'll do that next time I work on
To be honest so far Nerissa and Yan Lin are the ones I love most. I was even thinking about redrawing Halinor and Cassidy to make them more in the direction I originally planned their uniforms
and so on to be but that's up to Ivan. I don't think it would take that much more time if I go for it, but it would take a little more time than simply adding Kadma to it and call it a day.
Anyways so there's a nice Lineart of Nerissa to be seen in the LineArt section when you hit the WITCH button to your left.
Enjoy and see ya later!
Kommentar schreiben
Cole Angelheart (Sonntag, 28 September 2014 19:55)
It's an interesting thing, really.
Yes, Nerissa and Yan Lin do have things about them that would make them stand out, but I'm not entirely sure that means that they'd look together.
Cassidy and Halinor on the other hand, maybe they don't stand out in comparison to Yan Lin and Kadma, but I could argue that as a team pic that is meant to be equal for all five that they are in the better situation and I think Cassidy and Halinor look great together and mesh very nicely.
Ivan Georgiev/Gerganafen (Montag, 29 September 2014 09:51)
You want to change Cassidy's and Halinor's outfits or their poses for the pic?
Again, you've done very good job on Nerissa outfit, congrats! :) I really like it and I'm looking forward to see Kadma ^_^
Yangi (Montag, 29 September 2014 13:28)
Thanks you two for your feedback on the pic issue :D
I'll do Kadma first and see how the five work together and then I might change the outfit of Cassidy and Halinor a bit to make them fit in with the others but their poses will stay the way they are now. I'll just add some wind to make the pic as a whole a bit more dynamic and moody. Then there's only the pattern thing and the background and voilá!
Could I do Yan Lin and Nerissa as a single picture for the CHYNK contest, Ivan? I'm not sure I'll be able to make to finish one of the Wonderland pictures before the 10th of October. Personally I'd like to get the Frozen Hazard picture done now but if you want me to squeeze in the Wonderland picture for Will and Cassidy for example that would be okay with me. Then I'd simply finish the other one after the 10th. I'll leave that up to you.
Gerganafen/Ivan Georgiev (Montag, 29 September 2014 14:29)
Oh my friend I'm afraid that I will have to extend the contest until December because I have some unexpected problems with my work and also recently I spent some money for beneficence. :((( I don't know how to tell this to the members - they probably will get angry and I can understand why. :( But do not worry, 7 members will get their prizes until Christmas.
So you're free to submit whatever you decide, because it looks like you will have a lot of time ahead of you. Sorry again. :/
Yangi (Montag, 29 September 2014 14:36)
Oh I'm sorry to hear that! But in the end I don't think they will be all that angry. After all they can take their time to make another entry if they like or the ones who might not have made it, like myself may even be a bit happy about it. But if you know already you should probably tell them soon so that the few who might work hard to get things ready before the 10th know, that they don't have to hurry but take their time to finish their work nicely.
In that case I'll just see whatever I'll be able to finish until the new deadline. Don't worry too much it'll work out somehow, I'm sure. :)
Gerganafen/Ivan Georgiev (Montag, 29 September 2014 15:03)
Thank you so much for the encouragement! :) I already wrote a journal about the extention, I really hope that they will understand.