Hey everyone!
Sneaky, sneaky.... I've been sneakily adding two entirely new pictures to this website! BUAHAHAHA! See if you can find them and tell me what you think!
Let the game begin!!!
On the left the newest picture. A commission for a DeviantArt member. It's Lillian and Christopher from the Comic W.I.T.C.H. playing pretend in a big cardbox and talking about Spongebob. The idea
was that Cornelia left for shopping, leaving the two with the baby sitter. Some hours later she comes back and wonders that everything looks just like when she had left. Only that the baby sitter
will probably have developed a serious disliking to the topic Spongebob. Because it's about the kids majorly, the whole picture is kept very simple and coloring book like.
It's teeeerribly warm at my home town right now and every evening thunderstorm hits which means I get headaches all the time! I loove the rain don't get me wrong and I like the wind
that starts to blow when a storm comes and everything. But this standing heat that grows right before a summer storm... man I can't tolerate it.
Anyways I managed to get another commission from my list. Yey for that! Still working on that gloriouse CHYNK picture and I really hope it'll turn out magnificent or else I'll be damned for
the huge time span I invested in it!
Other then that I'm heavily working on some greater issues concerning JROCK. Sadly I'm not willing to reveal much more than that. Just this much: It's a really big change and there'll
be a lot added and edited in the book that's already readable online. Also of cause I need reference material so there's sketches and pictures and color scales flying around
everywhere in my appartment right now that I'll upload as soon as I made the final tests and reveal everything.
Kommentar schreiben
Gerganafen (Dienstag, 08 Juli 2014 09:44)
Yay! I'm looking forward to the finished CHYKN project incliding Nerissa and Kadma's frozen Guardian outfits! ^_^
Yangi (Sonntag, 13 Juli 2014 16:03)
Me too!!! Wanted to get on with a lot of drawing this whole Weekend but I'm still sick-struck from last week. Really hit me this time -,-' Grrr but at least I was forced to relax for once in a while. Havn't consciously done so since my Bachelor Thesis was finished or even before so basically since last October OoO!
Cole Angelheart (Sonntag, 13 Juli 2014 16:23)
A lot of the pictures here I know of. There are a few that I can't remember if I've seen them or not. The Jess uniform sheet is one I'm pretty certain I've never seen before, so I'm guess that is one of the secret ones you've recently added.
The other one I'm not really sure on. The JROCK logo one isn't completely new to me as it was part of your pic for the sites 1 year anniversary, but this is the first time I've seen it separate as its own thing.
Any chance either of those are the new ones you sneakily added?
Yangi (Sonntag, 13 Juli 2014 16:50)
If I get you right, you've found the new one in the Gallery. And yes that would be the uniform sheet from Jess.
Like you said, the anniversary pic is added newly to the Gallery but already has been on the Website so I didn't Count it in. One more to go!
Cole Angelheart (Sonntag, 13 Juli 2014 17:37)
Well at least I got one of them.
At this point though it would just be random guesses from me. Is the other one the one in the Sketchbook section of "a girl with wavy hair from another animation test?"
Yangi (Sonntag, 13 Juli 2014)
Tehe nice try. That one is rather new too but it's not the one I added today with the uniform sheet.
Cole Angelheart (Sonntag, 13 Juli 2014 19:04)
Crud! I was really hoping I had it!
I'm actually starting to get a bit disappointed in myself. I come here so often, yet for whatever reason, I can't seem to notice when you sneakily add something new.
Yangi (Sonntag, 13 Juli 2014 19:45)
Well that's the Point in being sneaky isn't it?
Okay so it's somewhere on my Website and it's not the Gallery or the Sketchbook. Not that much left :D
It's not the Comic section either
Cole Angelheart (Sonntag, 13 Juli 2014 20:05)
Its the final pic in the Random Clothes area in the Fashion section isn't it?
Yangi (Montag, 14 Juli 2014 09:20)
Hihihi still not right. Okay I'll tell you. Check out the 'Home'page where the Anniversary Picture used to be.