Hello everyone and sorry for having been out of reach for a while.
Good News:
- I finished my Bachelor thesis! Yeeeeeeaaah!
- I made 5th place out of 32 participants in the Cornelia Hale Contest on DA
- I just uploaded the 7th part of my JROCK stories on http://dreamersfantasy.proboards.com/
Bad News:
- My art computer is entirely destroyed so I can't provide you with any art at all for the time being.
- For some reason I can't upload the new chapter of JROCK onto DA
As for the title, I just don't get it. I thought after finishing my Bachelor thesis after such a long strugle I could finally get on with all the great drawing projects I had planned for equally as long. I really wanted to get on with it and was waiting desperately for that day to come and then my computer started acting weird resulting in not booting at all. I really hope I'll be able to fix that soon but since I can't know exactly when it will be repaired, I'll have to break you the news that no art will be submited until it's repaired. I'll keep you updated of cause and maybe I'll find some older stuff I can entertain you with in the meantime.
Instead of drawing I'm writing again. I wrote a legend for Cole's CHAOS boys how their heart was created (something like the four dragons legend from the heart of Kandrakar), got on with some
sketches for the uniforms of the guys and that sort of things and I wrote and planned and organised my JROCK chapters; the already existing ones on their platforms, as well as the just-planned
ones. It's great to get back to that however I would have liked it to happen under different circumstances.
The funny picture up here is something I discovered while browsing through my really ols stuff concerning WITCH. I started reading the stuff back at the age of 13 or so and wrote a really crappy
fan fiction that was a lot of fun to read again nowadays. There were some interesting ideas in that fanfiction like the sidian star that inspired Cole and me to the Heart for CHAOS that's why I
thought I'd upload this really early picture of an Auramere from that star.
That's as far as it gets today. Sorry for all the trouble!
Kommentar schreiben
Cole Angelheart (Sonntag, 18 Mai 2014 23:07)
Only 5th place!? I demand a recount!! You should have won!
Really sucks that you won't be able to draw anything for quite a while, but maybe we could like on a positive side of this. Maybe this can give you plenty of time to focus on writing and get some more things done with JROCK in that regard.
Yangi (Montag, 19 Mai 2014 08:17)
Haha thanks! Well there really were some great entries so I already expected to be placed somewhere in the middle (10 prizes in total+ Grand prize).
It's just really annoying because I so wanted to get the commissions done and some other stuff like the ColexWill pic and so on. And I wanted to redraw the book covers for first and second book of JROCK since I had a cool idea and all that Kind of stuff! Grr! But yeah on the positive side I'll be able to write more now. I just hope I'll be able to draw again before I write second chapter of the second book. It's not too far away and I'd love to upload the second book together with the new cover instead of the old one.
Cole Angelheart (Montag, 19 Mai 2014 08:37)
It's really messed up when you think about. When you don't have the time to draw there is nothing wrong with your computer. Get the free time to draw and your computer gets destroyed, its a conspiracy!
Yangi (Montag, 19 Mai 2014 10:49)
I know, right?! I think so too. I'll most likely have to set him up anew. But at least EVERYTHING should be working again and no Virus will survive that! BUAHAHAHA!
Cole Angelheart (Dienstag, 20 Mai 2014 08:43)
The Sketch here had actually reminded me about something with the sketches you had sent me.
The Aurameres sketch to be precise. When I see it, I feel that Cole's symbol is a bit, unfitting. One hand it does fit in the regard of being wings and we've had that conversation before quite a while back as to how angel wings, generally with the colors of white and black seem like good things to serve as a type of symbol for Cole.
On the other had the reason I feel it is a bit unfitting is because it seems a bit out of place compared to the other guys symbols.
Yangi (Dienstag, 20 Mai 2014 13:11)
I think I know what you mean. It isn't all that easy to draw those wings prettily so I guess it wouldn't harm to Change that Symbol. The question is how... Maybe I can figure something out or maybe you turn out to have an idea :D
Cole Angelheart (Dienstag, 20 Mai 2014 22:09)
Well I always keep my eyes open for new and different things, but as far as a specific idea, unfortunately I do not have one.