The Grand Price

Hey everyone!

So I uploaded the finished Masquerade picture in the WITCH Gallery section and the LineArt for the Black roses and lilies in the WITCH sketchbook section. Both are entries to the amazingly grand contest for Cornelia going on on DeviantArt.
Deadline's the 10th of May.


I'd like to appologize especially to my dear commissioner that the Frozen Hazard picture takes so increadibly long but in this case I had to set the contest on first priority since it's about 700Dollars where talking about here and to put it bluntly: I could really use that money right now.
I'm really, really sorry and I'll finish it right away, after the second entry is done! I sware!


Oh, yes and I plan on organising the mess concerning the issue "Is LineArt really part of the Gallery?". The LineArt in the WITCH Gallery will be converted to the Sketchbook section and JROCK will get it's own section too for that purpose in the Sketchbook section.

Well I hope you all wish me luck, I'm gonna  need it!


Kommentar schreiben

Kommentare: 4
  • #1

    Cole Angelheart (Sonntag, 13 April 2014 11:30)

    So would this means that only colored versions will go in the Gallery? Or will it be something like colored versions and pics that you have no intention of coloring?

  • #2

    Gerganafen (Sonntag, 13 April 2014 12:22)

    You do not have to apologize for anything, my friend! As I already said, the time doesn't matter, the most important thing is the good result. I can wait, because I know that the result will worth. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you to win the contest - you deserve it! The second entry is wonderful, I love the outfits you've designed for Cornelia. Good luck! :)

  • #3

    Yangi (Mittwoch, 23 April 2014 08:17)

    @Cole: For most Pictures I lineArt I do intend to Color some time. It's just that I might not have the time for it right then. Some months or Projects later I might again and come back to it, like the WITCH and the Boys series. So I guess I would devide it entirely between colored and lineArts.

    @Gerganafen: Thanks so much!!! Seriousely! Hopefully next week I'll be able to finish the second entry and after that I can concentrate entirely on your Picture. At least that's the plan :D I really want that finished now!

  • #4

    Gerganafen (Mittwoch, 23 April 2014 13:05)

    Okay. :) Good luck!