Just showing up to show you this lovely picture. I really am proud of this one. It's another piece for "Frozen Hazard", the commission I'm currently working on.
Personally I love this outfit the most and I find this particular shot very charming! I might just make it a single picture as well with some warm glow to it. It could even be Taranee! Other than
that, not much news. I still want to redo O-Hanis' hair and maybe work a little more on Rukia. And I wrote the text for the first 5 pages of the second Comic for "Shadows of Truth".
That's it :D Three done, Two to go.
Kommentar schreiben
Cole Angelheart (Samstag, 08 Februar 2014 21:00)
I knew from the design that it was a member of CHYKN, and likely Yan Lin, but if not for the fact that I've known about this series and could easily draw up the comparison of the attire with the others, then I might have though it was Taranee.
Cole Angelheart (Donnerstag, 13 Februar 2014 00:54)
I had recently informed two other people of your site.
One was something of an old friend. TTigerz. She hangs out on both FF and DA. We sorta semi know each other. We talk from time-to-time, but sometimes end up going a while with out talking to each other. Still though they are enjoyable times when we do talk. [Plus she likes ColexWill a lot and that's always a plus]
The other is some artist on DA who recently joined FF partly to speak to me [Basically in a sense sent to me by TTigerz since she told him about my old WITCH Hearts series and he seemed rather interested in it, but unfortunately its long gone] It think he goes by Banditcat123 or something like similar to that.
Anyway, I informed both of them of this place and my own site and both of them said they'd check them out whenever they had the time too.
Cole Angelheart (Donnerstag, 13 Februar 2014 00:57)
Probably should have just added this to the previous comment, but I wanted it to be its own thing.
Something that I'm curious about is if you'd ever considered having your own contest? You join a few yourself, and when you have the time and get other things done I think it could be something nice to consider.
You could make a contest where people have to draw your characters, probably JROCK or set some other specific rule to it like they have to be in a certain theme or with a character or something like that. 1st place could get a drawing from you that they request or people could get DA points. I don't know something like that.
I thought it might be something interesting to consider.
Yangi (Donnerstag, 13 Februar 2014 12:02)
Wow that's really great! Thanks for the Commercial so to say :D
A contest is actually not a bad idea. Never thought of that. I could make it a WITCH/JROCK contest or so and to make a commission for free is not a bad idea either, since I do most of them for Points now. And I still have some Points left I'm not sure what to do with. I'm in a lot of WITCH related Groups, where I could advertise the contest and
I had another idea myself: I was thinking about making a GOOD Witch Dress up game. So far I've only found rather ugly Dress up games for WITCH other than the Disney original. So I thought about making a nice one where you can choose between all kinds of uniform upper parts, down parts, shoes, hair etc. And if that goes well I might make that for male Guardians too. Of cause you can build JROCk there as well and WITCH and CHYNK too.
I'd post a preview picture for the Dress up game to see if People are interested in it.
Cole Angelheart (Donnerstag, 13 Februar 2014 12:16)
Glad I could help! It's a slow process, but slowly the site is growing!
I tried a contest myself one a long, long time ago. I had been there for a year maybe. I can't remember what all the specifics where. Something with Cole was the main focus. Be it by himself, or with all of WITCH, some couple thing with Will or even just some friend-thing with one of the other girls. I wasn't well known at the time [And neither was Cole] and I probably didn't give the best of prizes. I think I was only given away a first prize, 100$. I thought it was a lot. But no one ever entered.
Oh, that sounds nice! There was one on DA I thought was kinda fun, but the options were kinda limited. Within like 10 minutes at most you could have went through every single option. With all of the different Guardian uniforms you like to make and even with male Guardians as well it sounds like something that would be a lot of fun and take away a great deal of my time.
Yangi (Donnerstag, 13 Februar 2014 12:30)
Yeah hat's why I never made a contest. I didn't want to invest actual Money, but now that I have a Name there and fans that might want a commission, and now that I earned quite some Points through making commissions, I think I could try it. I have around 60 watchers and am part of quite some WITCH Groups so it might work out. Could be fun, too :D
Yeah I just looked. There is one that has quite some Options. But I don't like the drawing style much. So I was thinking about making one myself in a Disney style. I might then add, bit by bit some more Options.
Cole Angelheart (Donnerstag, 13 Februar 2014 12:39)
I didn't mind investing my own money into it [In large part because I really had nothing else to offer] plus some artist could charge you that much just for a single picture of a character with a background or anything, so my thought was to offer up the 100$ and hope I get a lot of pics of Cole. Pics that I could have just to have and also have a means to get him more well known.
In hindsight as the years went on and Cole became more well known [And I got my other OCs] and I gained a lot more followers I probably should have tried to the contest again or at least a similar one. Give DA points to a winner or still stick with actual money or even go a little with both give some DA points to a second place winner and actual money to the 1st place winner. Ah well, its all a moot point now.
Yeah its nothing super great, but at the time is was something really great. I think that would be a key point to mention to people. Let them know this is just Version 1. And later versions will have more attire options, hair options, color options and even male guardian options. That way people can play version 1 all the while looking forward to all of the newer versions.
Yangi (Donnerstag, 13 Februar 2014 12:48)
Yeah you should have tried that :D
Yeah I'll have to see if I can "program" it like that.
Cole Angelheart (Freitag, 14 Februar 2014 01:04)
Yeah its a really, really annoying thing about me. So often I don't think about something that may generally seem like a logical thing until well past the point. Its like "Oh, I can do this, but that's already passed, I'm in a situation where I can't do that anymore... crud!"
I wonder how challenging something like it is? I mean I'm certain their is some challenge to it, but I've seen some people do things like it in more moments without any issues. Granted in such cases the characters are often nothing bigger then sprite sized and very, very limited in what can be done with them [Like two or three options] so I guess they can be easy for anyone to make if they don't care too much about the overall project. Never really seen what type of things would go into making a high quality one.
I wonder if maybe you should make a journal about your future contest. Let people know that you are considering it after you get done with certain other works and if it draws enough attention. This way you can get a general idea to see how much attention it gets and over time other people can come across it as well. Even if you give a specific time frame for the contest to begin and end you could always extend it if you need more time.
Yangi (Freitag, 14 Februar 2014 13:00)
It is rather easy to make a Basic Dress up game. The more Options you make, the more effort it'll cost, to integrate them in the game. I plan rather many Options so it might take a Little while to program them all. It's not difficult, but takes time to see if everything really works and so on. Actually I started yesterday. I drew some different mouths and eye-sets and the Basic model and thought about some Options. It was fun and the great Thing about it is, that I can go there anytime when I Need a break to draw a new set of ears or noses or some single pieces that don't take much time.
I'll wait with the contest, until I got some more of my JROCk Girls online. That way People might like them more and have more references for their entrence to the contest.
Cole Angelheart (Samstag, 15 Februar 2014 10:21)
I really wish I could see all the different things you keep working on! Every time you come here and mention you have an idea for something and you started working a little on it I just keep hoping "Please, please post even those little things, I really want to see them!"
Yangi (Sonntag, 16 Februar 2014 12:12)
Haha sorry. I'm still not used to posting sketches and concepts... you know... "unfinished" stuff. LineArts are different. They represent the actual idea that only Needs to coloring and shading and so on. Plus I don't have a scanner here so I'd have to make a Picture of the sketches I'm drawing traditionally. But I could Show the Basic doll I've been making for the Dress up game.
Cole Angelheart (Sonntag, 16 Februar 2014 19:54)
But you wouldn't need to post them, just could just send them to my e-mail and they'd never see the light of idea, only the more completed versions you post. I can just have the way earlier versions to be excited about and wait with anticipation for the completed versions.
Yes please!!!!!
Yangi (Montag, 17 Februar 2014 09:37)
Haha! I might do that. :D
I started coloring the doll yesterday and her starter Outfit. I'll finish that and then post her here. So far everything works out the way I planned it. I'm still at the easy part though. I'll draw her a real Outfit soon and then test out the programming part to make sure I know what I'm working on.
Cole Angelheart (Montag, 17 Februar 2014 20:49)
{excitement building, may end up exploding, YAY!!!!!!]
Okay, looking forward to seeing it!!
Cole Angelheart (Donnerstag, 06 März 2014 08:47)
Saw on your DA journal you are planning to be part of some Cornelia contest, good luck with that!!
Any idea what you will be drawing for it?
Yangi (Donnerstag, 06 März 2014 22:10)
Tihi three actually. I sat down today to test one of them and it was the most glorous success! I'm super proud of it! I'll make a new Journal about it :)
Oh and: Hey you were on DA? :D
Cole Angelheart (Freitag, 07 März 2014 00:30)
Yeah, I didn't make an account or anything. I just dropped by there. I do it sometimes to see if you and NIkly have anything going on that I might not have seen or something like that.
NIkly doesn't have her own site, so all of her art is posted on DA. If I stopped going there compeltley, I'd never see it. And before this site allowed zooming in and saving pictures, I needed to go to DA to get a better look at your art.