Well, well it's been quite a while since I updated anything. So I decided to do that now!
For those who do not know: I just moved to another part of town and that's why I didn't have much internet, if at all for the last two weeks. I had trouble with it before.... anyways I'm still
not completely set up. Currently I'm writing from my netbook which means, that my stationary computer doesn't have internet yet.
My rabbit feels quite at home already. She has a favorite place under the IKEA chair and runs around curiously to discover new places. I was seriousely thinking about writing a "How to make
your apartment rabbit-proof!" thing. What can I say, once you start letting it run wildly through your rooms, it sure does some strange things. It might leave nice gnawing marks on papers you had
forgotten on the floor, or shredder the back of a book that accidentally lay in reach or play around with cables that hang in her way... All of that has to be considered! But it really pays off.
My rabbit is one of the happiest I've ever seen. Actually she's more like a dog... or cat. She has things she plays with, places she likes to hide and sometimes she comes along to greet you,
nudge you to stroke her or wanting you to brawl with her through your house boots.
But enough of my rabbit. Other than that I have found a lot of old stuff while getting things ready for the move. For example some really old sketches for a comic, that I wanted to scan so I can
show them here. I already uploaded two from another old comic test. But don't worry, I really mean to finish this one, this time. It just takes a little while until I can get back to it. I really
have to finish that stupid Bachelor thesis... *drop*
Stuff in the Gallery, Sketchbook and Comics section.
If you want to read new stuff about my JROCK story, go to Coles website I mentioned in my previous post. there I added some more discribtions, some new story parts, and lately we
added a Q&A section where you can ask any character that might appear in my stories directly which is really a lot of fun to me! So check the new stuff out, leave me a message and
hang on. I'll try to get something done soon.
Kommentar schreiben
Cole Angelheart (Donnerstag, 03 Oktober 2013 18:47)
To be honest, the first thing on my list I'd like to see is the finished version of the ColexWill pic.
The lineart was a good early view for a while, but up to this point I keep hoping to come here and find that its finished.
And really curious as to what you'd end up doing with the SerothxIrma pic.
Yangi (Montag, 14 Oktober 2013 10:27)
I guessed you would like that most. However my current ranking is:
1. After Flying Lesson CHYNK (commission I get payed for)
2. Halloween Picture WITCH
3. Everything else...
So I won't make it in October to finish that picture, sorry. As soon as those two are done, or at least the first one, I can get back to the old list and finish the ones, that I have started, like the WillxCole picture or the Hay Lin Royal portrait. At least I was able to draw anything at ALL within the past few days. That's a great step Forward to me, because it means I get settled again in my new home and organised with work and freetime.
*sigh* busy times, busy times... Oh well it's fun anyway!
Cole Angelheart (Montag, 14 Oktober 2013 10:54)
I can see those points. When you are getting paid being it actual money, or even something like DA points, its pair to do those things early and not force someone to keep waiting.
Obviously even when it comes to special Holidays, you can do them at any time you want even when they aren't anywhere near that time, but even with all of that being said, it does give a special feeling to get something done for a holiday at the time of that holiday.