WITCH and the boys

Like I already declared, this summer's the summer of WITCH. And to celebrate it correctly, I started out with a new series. I wanted to draw the five guardians in a more grown up style with their later boyfriend. Since I didn't really care what kind of boyfriend, I asked a friend if I should use his characters (Those of you who've been on deviantart might know him as RogueCole).

I'm really curiouse to how it'll turn out. A little preview for Cornelia is right here. Maybe, to save time, I'll sketch every pairing out like this first, before coloring them, since that'll take a while. This way you at least have something to look at while waiting.


Find all sketches to this in the Gallery section all the way down in "WITCH" and there again aaaaall the way down!


Pictures already up:

Cornelia and Hiro
Taranee and Raphael

Hay-Lin and Kaido



Kommentare: 22 (Diskussion geschlossen)
  • #1

    Cole Angelheart (Freitag, 14 Juni 2013 18:34)

    Very curious here as to what other projects you might have in mind for Summer of WITCH (WITCHy Summer maybe?]or does it end with Witch and the boys? [I at times collective refer to them as CHAOS... I tried for a long time to find a name that fits with each of their first letters, but I couldn't! Still keeping my options open for different names, but in the mean time, CHAOS will suffice.]

  • #2

    Yangi-mshi (Freitag, 14 Juni 2013 20:25)

    Alright! Chaos it is! Feels good actually, Fitting, so to say.

    Well for one there is of cause the whole Comic Thing that came up lately. Then I still have three "grown up with family" Pictures to be done for Cornelia, Taranee and Irma and then I still have the royal series that needs Hay Lin and Cornelia.

    Well I do have some other single Pictures in mind but I won't say much about that yet.

  • #3

    Cole Angelheart (Freitag, 14 Juni 2013 21:02)

    Yeah I think its fits. It does have three of their first letters, C-Cole, H-Hiro and S-Seroth and A is the second letter in Raphael's name while O is the last letter in Kaido's name, so the letters do fit to some degree, still though, I'm going to keep my options open for the off chance I found something better.

    I do remember the "grown up with family" series, been wondering about them for a while. I believe the royal Hay Lin one has a preview on your DA page, right?

    Well don't keep my in suspense for them for do long. I can handle not knowing anything about them for a little while, but all bets could be off after a while.

  • #4

    Darkfang (Mittwoch, 26 Juni 2013 18:36)

    Really enjoying your site and this series of pics a great deal! When will the next ones come out?

  • #5

    Yangi-mshi (Freitag, 28 Juni 2013 10:55)

    Thanks a lot! I'm happy you like them. Hopefully within the following week I'll be able to get the next one done. I'm a little busy lately but I'll try to keep up.

  • #6

    Darkfang (Freitag, 28 Juni 2013 20:52)

    Sweet! Looking forward to seeing it!

  • #7

    Anima (Donnerstag, 01 August 2013 08:24)

    Really enjoying this series!

    First time seeing this boys and they are all great! The Taranee and Raphael one is funny. The Hay Lin and Kaido one is just really cute and the Cornelia and Hiro one is gorgeous.

    I'm really looking forward to seeing who you do next and her boy and I'm hoping its sometime soon that I'll get to see it!

  • #8

    Yangi-mshi (Donnerstag, 01 August 2013 10:37)

    Thanks! I'm happy you like them and I bet Cole will be delighted as well, since it's his CHAOS characters (the boys) I drew. I really hope myself I'll find some time again soon to do another of those pictures. 2 more to go!

  • #9

    Anima (Donnerstag, 01 August 2013 19:56)

    I'll need to get ahold of him then so I can learn me about these guys.

    Do you know which one you'll do next or Amy idea what you'll do with them?

  • #10

    Yangi-mshi (Montag, 05 August 2013 12:05)

    I can tell him about your interest. He's here as well and thiniking about opening up his own website.

    There are two more pictures of this series: Irma and Seroth, and Will and Cole. Those are the two I wasn't absolutely sure which sketch to choose so it might take a little longer. Irma and both have a lot of temper and are rather comical together so my picture would fix on that. The picture of Will and Cole might be a lot more dreamy.

    If that's what you were asking about.

  • #11

    Anima (Montag, 05 August 2013 18:35)

    Thanks for the update!

    Yes that is basically what I meant with my question. Maybe you could ask Cole if he as any specific ideas for them, or just toss around a few ideas until you find which one you think world best for you?

  • #12

    Yangi-mshi (Dienstag, 06 August 2013 09:38)

    The pictures are entirely my doing. He just lend me his characters, describing them to me in character and attire and with which WITCH girl he'd like them to be with. The ideas for the final attire, style and concept are completely by me, on what came to mind when I sat down to draw them.

    Anyways Roguecole has some stories revolving around the boys. That are quiet interesting but change from time to time. His website might still take a while but I'm sure I'll be allowed to post his link, as soon as he has one here.

  • #13

    Anima (Dienstag, 06 August 2013 10:05)

    I figured it was all your ideas, I just thought that since you weren't sure what you wanted to do for the next one then maybe you could discuss ideas until you find an idea that you really like. Its just a suggestion though, if you just want everything to solely be your own ideas then that's understandable, but it should be good to know that the option is there to discuss it with others.

  • #14

    Yangi-mshi (Dienstag, 06 August 2013 10:35)

    Oh, so that's what you ment! Sorry I misunderstood.
    Thanks for the offer. It's really nothing like: I want to keep all ideas to myself. I never really figured anyone would be interested in suggesting something. Sometimes, though I like it to be a surprise. But I could need some help for the WIll and Cole picture. I already drew those two quite often now but I can't really get an idea for their adult picture that screams: Yes! That's it! Draw me! Now!

    I had two ideas, up until now. The first is them together in fancy dressing at the ball (maybe where Taranee and Raphael were heading?). It would be very dreamy and romantic. A little cheesy even. Well the other idea was to have Will taking a picture of Cole. Just waking up, the hair still ruffled from sleep, not getting, what's happening. It was a try to get Wills funny side back and her urge to keep memories of their life together, even through terrible pictures.

    Well that are the ideas for those two so far. Feel free to comment or bring up new ideas, if you have any. Maybe there's just what I need!
    Thanks again for the offer I really just didn't get it the first time.

  • #15

    Anima (Dienstag, 06 August 2013 10:44)

    It's okay, not worries whatsoever, sometimes I'm not to good at explaining what I mean with something, so really sorry about that, I'll try to be a little better at explaining what I mean from now on. Well, not really sure I can suggest any ideas myself since I really don't know the characters expect for the bits of story you have for them, but if some random idea comes to me, I'll be sure to let you know and you can decide if it works for one of the last two pairings or not.

    The first one seems very romantic, but I wonder if maybe you'd want to try and distance each of the pics a little from each other? It sounds great, but with Taranee and Raphael in a somewhat similar type of feel, I think it might be considered more of a companion piece to the theirs then something that stands on its own. The second one, seems to have that cute and funny appeal to me.

    Well new ideas from others can be of great help, but so can't just taking a bit of a break from things as well. The best option I think would be to try and get other ideas from people first and if that doesn't work, then take a bit of a break from the idea and give your mind some rest from it and see if that helps any.

  • #16

    Darkfang (Dienstag, 06 August 2013 23:41)

    For the second one you mentioned you could go with the little story of Will and Cole recently being married and Will decided to do something spontaneous and get a picture of them together as soon as they wake up, kinda a first picture of them together beginning their first day of being married?

    Not sure if its what you are looking for, but I thought I'd try and help by throwing out some idea.

  • #17

    Yangi-mshi (Mittwoch, 07 August 2013 10:45)

    @Anima: Thanks for the feedback and you're right. It would be better to make sure each of the picture stands for itself. If two of them suddenly fit together that would be strange...

    @Darkfang also thanks a lot to you for your feedback. Well I didn't mention marriage but actually that's a very good point and a great idea. It gives the second picture idea a great backstory, aka a great atmosphere so I guess I'll go with that one.

    Woho! So that's settled. That means as well that their picture will be the next one to draw. If I need help with Irma and Seroth later on I'll make sure to ask here about it, since you really helped me out on deciding! Thanks guys!

  • #18

    Cole Angelheart (Freitag, 09 August 2013 11:58)

    In most cases the more romantic pics tend to generally outshine the more casual pics, but sometimes the more casual pics can come out better as while a romantic pic the story is normally there in the pic itself, but sometimes the casual pic though it may not look it at first glance, it can still at times tell a deeper story then a more romantic pic.

  • #19

    Yangi-mshi (Freitag, 09 August 2013 15:34)

    Wow that was a messege in a box, in a box, in a box... but I get it, thanks. And I agree. It all depends on how you portray it. Sometimes romantic pics are way too cheesy for me. An the plainest picture or sketch aslo can sometimes convey greater emoptions.

  • #20

    Anima (Sonntag, 30 März 2014 11:55)

    I'm hoping that you haven't forgotten about this series.

  • #21

    Yangi (Dienstag, 01 April 2014 11:04)

    Don't worry, I havn't forgotten but there are other things, that hold higher priority at the moment.

  • #22

    Anima (Dienstag, 01 April 2014 21:40)

    Okay. Hope to see post the new one sometime soon.